How can I set a default value for a user command's Template

When defining a template variable for a user command, is it possible for this variable to be initially set to a default value?

For example:

Template: Filename/O
but with a default assigned value like "e:\myfile.txt"

If not, is there an available syntax for checking if the &filename& = "" so i can set it inside the Command Editor?

Additional Info:
User Commands

Yes, e.g.

@output:{="&filename&"=="" ? "empty" : "not empty"=}
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Thanks, but the @output: modifier prints a string to the script log.
I'm still unable to get my Standard Function (Opus or external) script to run.

Error: Windows cannot find 'FileName'.

Template: FileName/O
CD {sourcepath}
FileName = &FileName&"=="" ? "UseFolderName" : "&FileName&"
@async cmd /c start /min pwsh.exe -File c:\Powershell\Scripts\Showme.ps1 -FileName "&FileName&"

You don't say.