Reset to Defaults
Undo All Changes
Reset to Default Toolbars
Hello, after doing some changes in Customize these three different "reset" commands (all accessed thru right-click context menu depending on where you click) might be handy but i happened to click on them unintentionally (and there wasnt always a security question!) so i thought it would be safer to "hide" these commands from easy access. I would like to place them all exclusively to the ListerMenu -> Settings -> Resetting... -> (...)
Apart from safety issues (or apart from security questions like "Do you really want to undo all changes?"), i simply dont want to see these three context menu items at any time ... unless i call them manually thru the long way: ListerMenu -> Settings -> Resetting... -> (...)
oops sorry. when you do changes in the Customize mode, try to right-click "anything" (toolbar, Lister, ..) in the Customize mode or out of the Customize mode. At some point you would see one of those three context menu items which allow you to undo the last changes you made (in the Customize mode) OR it allows you to "reset to default" (whatever it does in detail).
The point is: If you have a good Lister setup (with great toolbars) and you accidentally hit "Reset to defaults" and or "Undo All Changes", then all your previously made work (=changes in the Customize mode) are gone, and you can begin anew. Not beginning from total scratch but..
i know how to remove menu items in the Customize mode, e.g. by drag'n drop or right-click "Delete" ... but i tried to use this technique on those menus (i.e. right click context menus) where the three items appear. And the drag'n away-technique doesnt work there.
Hi plunder,
The "Reset to Defaults" entry only appears in the context menu of the default Toolbars where I think they make sense. I'd always recommend to leave them as they are and create a duplicate of them if you want to modify them.
The "Undo all Changes" should only undo the recent changes you did since you entered the "Customize"-Mode resetting the Toolbar to the state you saved it the last time. It's just the same effect as if clicking "Cancel" after doing your changes in the Customize Window.
"Reset to default Toolbars" only hides your custom Toolbars and shows the default Toolbars. Nothing is deleted by this. You can easily restore your Toolbars.
So if you follows my first recommendation there is no danger in using these settings.
you've very well identified the entries : where or when they appear in one's context menu. Apart from "the danger" (or "no danger"), i really would love not to see them at all. Not in my context menus. Never.
I've tried to "remove" or "delete" those entries (e.g. by entering Customize mode) but they seem to be fixed entries (with no own context menu "Delete" or similar).
I had thought that Dopus users can customize everything. Then this should be possible. It would be my very preference: never seeing those three commands.
I think it's useful to have these settings especially for DOpus-Newbies. If everything is destroyed after heavily modifying your Buttons and not really knowing what you're doing it's easy to come back to the defaults this way.
You can get rid of the dangerous "Reset to Defaults" entry if you do the following:
In the Customize Window go to the Tab "Toolbars" and select "Location". Now click on the small Icon showing a green "+" at the Top of the list. This will create a duplicate of the Location Toolbar called "Location - copy". Rename it to e.g. "My Location". Do this also for "Menu" and "Operations". Now hide the Original default Toolbars and show your custom ones instead. They will not show the "Reset"-entry. You can also "Reset" the Originals "to Defaults" so you can always look what was in them if you e.g. destroyed your custom ones.
I agree with you that the "undo all changes" is unnesessary in the context menu because you can do the same by clicking "Cancel" as I said. The only difference is that "Cancel" finishes the Customize Mode while the "undo all changes" leaves it active so I can immediately continue customizing.
Undo All Changes isn't just an alternative to cancelling the Customize window. It only affects a single toolbar (when you may have edited several). It also remains available after you've clicked OK in the Customize window and returned to normal. It lets you make some changes, leave Customize, try them out and then decide things were better how they were and revert back to that state.
The "Reset to Defaults" entry is gone thanks to kundal's quite interesting and valuable trick. By duplicating the original toolbars (incl. those upper three defined as "Default Toolbars") and modifying the copies we can revert to the original toolbars simply thru the Preferences. Excellent idea! And to me most importantly, we dont see the "Reset to Defaults" context menu item anymore. AFAIK there is a security question missing, e.g. "This will reset the toolbar to its Default Toolbar state. All changes will get lost, are you sure to proceed? YES /NO" with NO pre-selected.
The "Reset to Default Toolbars" item is still there .. and yes, it has become harmless thru the trick. (I guess it is impossible to make it vanish from the context menu; i guess i have to live with it then sigh)
The "Undo All Changes" will always be somewhat confusing in what it will/would do. Here too a security question is missing, e.g. "This will revert the toolbar to the state before you last customized it. All changes of your last time's Customize session (with respect to this particular toolbar) will get lost. Are you sure to proceed? YES /NO" with NO pre-selected.
I guess it would be easy to implement the 2 missing security questions. And thanks kundal for the great helpful contributions!!
Thanks for explaining the behaviour of "Undo all changes". Makes it more useful than I thought. Should be additional mentioned that the entry vanishes after completely exiting DOpus.
So plunder, if you want to get rid of this entry too you know how to do it.
[quote="kundal"]So plunder, if you want to get rid of this entry too you know how to do it.[/quote]lol. funny. [quote="Plunder"]The "Reset to Default Toolbars" item is still there .. [/quote]
In any case i would love to see the 2 missing security questions. Hoping that the dev's have heard me (and agree).
kundal, actually i cannot confirm your quote (Dopus10.0.0.3, winxpsp3). ((just to be on the safe side, i did even a copy (duplicate) of my customized toolbars with Save As... context menu item)). I exit everything and even do a full reboot of the machine. Or even switch machines. Installing Dopus for the first time on a fresh Windows system. Then loading my backup config file. When i again enter Customize mode and right-click on any of my toolbars (the 'saved ones' or the 'originals (customized by me)'), i always get the Undo all changes command for whichever toolbar i right-click in Customize mode. It's never gone, i cant make it disappear
To me, the command looks like a permanent context menu item. At least on my system and for my toolbars, no matter which toolbar is active.
On top of all that, incl. leo's explanation and our (contradictory) observations and attempts to explain things, it gets even more confusing since the help states something different/additional (so there's a fourth command called "Undo changes"!!):
[quote="DO10:Help:Customize"]Undo Changes: This command depends on the current selection in the current page. For example, on the Toolbars page it lets you restore the currently selected toolbar, undoing any changes to it since Customize mode was entered. Undo All Changes: This command will undo all changes to everything it is possible to undo since Customize mode was entered. Clicking the Cancel button on the Customize dialog has the same effect. [/quote]
My toolbars (or Dopus config) are pretty much perfectly set and i wont do any major/further customization; so i have backupped the config and should be on the safe side. That's why i am willing to let go (this thread) and simply ignore all four undo/reset/default commands -- Maybe i am the only one who doesnt like seeing those 4 commands
So the end purpose of this thread is to show that at least 4 context commands exist which can/will, if accidentally clicked on, ruin all the customization work you had done up to that point (or even more/further than that). There are no security questions for the Undo Changes and Undo All Changes command. I guess now i only need to learn how to save a single toolbar to file..
Toolbars are stored as individual files in the Opus structure in a folder called Buttons. If you enter the string /buttons into the address field it will take you straight there.
Not looking to get into a debate about whether or not more confirmation dialogs should be thrown up if you click on a 'Reset' item or not... my recommendation to protect yourself against it is simply this:
1.) Get used to frequently backing up your Opus configuration... particularly if you're in an active "play around with your configuration" mode of operation. It's very easy to do, backs up to a single file (with the date included in the filename by default). There's really no excuse to lose lots of customization work with this feature.
2.) The backup file is just a zip file with an OCB extension. You can extract the file to a folder and examine the contents...
Each "toolbar" is saved as it's own file (with a DOP extension) in the /dopusdata\Buttons folder... and these are all backed up within the opus configuration backup file (OCB file). If you click the right mouse button on a toolbar and select "Save As..." you can save it to another name... though it will still just be saved to the "Buttons" folder.
FWIW - you can also save a single 'button' from a toolbar to a file... by entering Customize mode, you can then simply drag a button from any toolbar into the lister file display, and it will save the button as a file with a DCF extension...
thanks everybody. in this thread i've learned from you how to save single buttons to *.dcf-file, how to save (and where to find) a single named toolbar to *.dop-file and how to peek into back config *.ocb-files, and that, when i am in 'play with customization mood' i better backup my old config and also the changed config as often as possible .. just in case i hit the wrong command (or even in the confirmation dialogue) and cant remember which changes i did during the customization and some (un-recollected) part of my previous customization work was set back.
It's all a matter of good habits then!
(and i guess i am ready to share/post my Lister/config as screenshot in the screenshots forum section).
Thanks again all, am appreciating the product and the helpful (and friendly ) community a lot.