after reading [url]Yet another question about "toolbar positioning"] i was wanting to set something similar up. i figured out how to make a desktop shortcut that launches a specific lister LAYOUT, but i cant figure out how to add the appropriate code to make it launch a couple LOCAL toolbars when it opens the lister. i am using Windows 7, and the shortcut I have is "C:\Program Files\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Prefs LAYOUT=Notes". do i need to make a batch file shortcut or something else to do this?
Easiest thing to do is make a batch file which runs the two commands you want to run (both via dopusrt.exe /cmd).
You could also create a User Command within Opus which runs the two (or more) commands, then run that User Command (again via dopurt.exe /cmd) if you'd rather keep the multi-line stuff within your Opus config.
(User commands are defined under Customize -> Commands -> User. Once defined you can run them by name the same as internal commands.)