I cannot seem to add a file to my Favorites folder? When I read click on a file name and select "Add to Favorites", it does not appear. I can only seem to add folders. I'm thinking there must be a way to add a single file to the Favorites list. I saw an old post from 2006 around scripting for a button to do this, but can't imagine this hasn't been simplified since then. Can someone please point me in the right direction on this?
It hasn't changed since then. You can still use that method. (It should just be a single-line command you add to a button or hotkey, if it's the post I remember. No script code should be required.)
We don't plan to simplify it, as Favorites are intended for folders, not files. We let you add files to the list if you really want to, but it isn't what the list is for.
This lets you add files and folders to the Favorites:
Favorites ADD PATH={filepath$}
What has worked for me is to add the files to the Applications Toolbar.
That works, too. When in Settings > Customize mode, you can drag a file to anywhere in your toolbars or menus to create a button for it.
Excuse the ignorant question, but where do I type in: Favorites ADD PATH={filepath$} ???
You can either put it as a command in a button or type it in the FAYT field after you hit the >
Hitting >
makes you enter the FAYT field telling Opus that what follows is a command to execute.
More on the ways to use buttons here :