How do I change the icons for stuff in the favorites list? Edit seems to only let me change the name, hotkey, and folder.
The icons for the folders themselves are used. You can customize a folder’s icon via the Properties dialog.
If u use auto hotkey I made a script to automate clicking thru the 3 windows from the property. Attached it to a button.
I have autohotkey installed but haven't learned to use it. I will check it out.
Another way (without AHK) to transform an image file to icon and set the folder icon (requires ImageMagick though for ico transformation) :
To put in a button (modify ImageMagick path to match your installation) :
@runmode hide
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.11-Q16-HDRI\convert.exe" -background transparent {file$} -define icon:auto-resize=16,24,32,48,64,72,96,128,256 {file$|noext}.ico
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo] > .\
ECHO IconResource={file$|ext=ico},0 >> .\
move .\ .\desktop.ini
attrib +S +H .\desktop.ini
attrib +S +H +R {file$|ext=ico}
attrib +R .
@PassThePeas I am having trouble getting this to work. my download didn't come with convert.exe so I changed the button code to
@runmode hide
magick -background transparent {file$} -define icon:auto-resize=16,24,32,48,64,72,96,128,256 {file$|noext}.ico
ECHO [.ShellClassInfo] > .\
ECHO IconResource={file$|ext=ico},0 >> .\
move .\ .\desktop.ini
attrib +S +H .\desktop.ini
attrib +S +H +R {file$|ext=ico}
attrib +R .
I get the error Windows cannot find 'echo' make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again
You either have to modify the system path so it includes the folder where magick is or insert the full path in this button.
Otherwise, the system won't be able to find it.
Edit : .exe is probably needed at the end of magick too.
Edit2 : read too quickly. The function type for the button has to be MS DOS Function
Ms dos function was the problem. Thanks