How do I move files on the local server without downloading them first?

This is one of the main reaons I want to upgrade to the newest release. I somehow thought it would be automatic, but it's not working.

I have the drive letter Z: assigned to my server, and I just tried to move a bunch of files from Folder 1 to a subfolder (we'll call it folder 1a) and it took forever, and if I were on the server I it would have been near instant.

FOLDER 1/Folder1a/

I bet there are instructions for this somewhere online, but I couldn't find it.

Thanks in advance for your help. I really enjoy this software.

I believe the only requirement is for the server to support this feature, and that Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Filesystem] copy_allow_delegation is set to true (it's the default).

Does it function properly with File Explorer?

Also, try with the current beta if you’re using mount points instead of direct paths.