How do I pass parameters using dopusrt?

How do I pass parameters using dopusrt? e.g.:

%PROGRAMFILES%\Opus9\dopusrt.exe  /cmd  MyOpusCmd param1


COPY param1 TO \\SUE\Public\Program Source\SeaMonkey COPY param1 TO \\GARY\David\Program Source\SeaMonkey

Or perhaps a slightly different example:

%PROGRAMFILES%\Opus9\dopusrt.exe  /cmd  MyOpusCmd02 param1 param2 param3


COPY param1 TO param2 @confirm Really copy files? COPY param1 to param3 @confirm Really proceed?|Of Course|No way

This post might be interesting for you: [Sending multiple commands with 'dopusrt.exe /cmd')

Saw that. It doesn't tell me how to pass parameters into Opus.

In your first example you could just call dopusrt twice, once to run each line. That avoids having to create a User Command and pass arguments to it.

If you do want to create a User Command then you can but it's very rarely used. Instructions on how to pass arguments to User Commands are in the manual under Predefined Commands / User - Predefined.

In your last example you've used @confirm incorrectly. It should always be on its own line.

You should also put quotes around the dopusrt path since it usually contains a space when %PROGRAMFILES% is expanded:
