How do I see all 8 tabs without left-right arrows?

On one computer, I can see all 8 tabs:

  1. Dual Horizontal
  2. Dual Vertical
  3. Explorer
  4. Images
  5. Filmstrip
  6. Single
  7. Commander
  8. Metadata

On another computer, I see only 3 tabs. To see the other 5, I have to use left or right arrows.

How do I get rid of the arrows to see all 8 tabs?

While in Customize mode (Settings > Customize Toolbars), either:

Right-click the Styles field and choose the Full Width option, to make it use all available space:

Or, leave it in fixed-size mode and drag the right edge of it to make it a particular size:

What should I do on my new computer to see the 8 styles next to "Settings" (Commander, Dual Horisontal, etc.) that I can see on my old computer?

The steps are in my reply above, which shows how to resize the Styles field (that turns into the tabs you see, when you close Customize mode and return to normal).

Did you try the steps and run into a problem? What goes wrong?

Apologies if I am missing something but you seem to have asked the same question that was already answered. If there's a problem with the answer, please give details and we can help.

I was not precise, sorry. Your first answer related to two computers:

  • On one computer, I could see all 8 tabs (Dual Horizontal …Metadata)
  • On another computer, I could see only 3 tabs. With your answer I can now see all 8 tabs.

On my third computer, I can only see “File, Edit, Tool, Settings”. I cannot see any of the 8 tabs right of “Settings”. What should I do to see the 8 tabs?

How to create a Styles tab-bar (like Opus 9) should have everything you need.