How do I undo more than 1 step with CTRL+Z?

Hello. I have a question about the undo functionality. Using the CTRL+Z hotkey for me alternates between undo and redo. Is it possible to have it just undo and more than 1 step?

Yes, via Edit > Undo List. Alternatively, the Undo Log in the utility panel list those items as well as even older ones.

Thanks for the tips. My question was mainly if it's possible to undo more than one step with CTRL+Z.

Not with Ctrl-Z, no.

Ah, I see. Is there a particular reason why this is not possible? I think it would be nice if this can be expanded to more steps in the future.

Undoing anything but the very last action, without seeing a description of what you were about to undo, would be error prone in a file manager.

It's also rarely needed and would often not work, because subsequent actions may make past actions impossible to undo (e.g. because the files/folders involved no longer exist).

Selecting from a list in the rare cases where it's needed works well, in our experience.

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This actually sound pretty reasonable and now I understand why this decision was made. Thanks! :+1: