When you select a file, right click and select "Send To"; How can I put the Desktop folder in this list. I've tried options in the Misc/Windows Integration window to no avail.
I've read the users guide and nothing seems to work.
It should be there by default, as part of the normal Windows install.
If it isn't, go to /sendto in Opus, which should take you to a folder with some shortcuts in it, and then create a shortcut to the Desktop (or whichever folders you want) in there.
I found about 16 or 17 sentto folders, each had a file named Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink. I have the preference settings set the same as another computer which had the Desktop (create shortcut) in the sentto dropdown.
I've been working this problem for several months and can't seem to solve it.
I figured I might have to completely uninstall the software and reinstall it. Is there a configuration file that I might have to delete?
Yes, the file, Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink, is there in the /sendto folder.
That is encouraging. I would think there must be a setting in the preferences someplace that needs to be set, but I've looked many times and tried quite a few things to no avail. So your help will be greatly appreciated.
If you have turned on Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides) then the Send To menu is one of the things which will be hidden, unless you explicitly add it back by adding a menu item which runs FileType SENDTOMENU.
I went to the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration menu. I don't check mark the box next to Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides). I never have and can't remember ever having changed this setting.
I don't understand how to do what you suggest: 'unless you explicitly add it back by adding a menu item which runs FileType SENDTOMENU.'
I don't know what you mean by 'adding a menu item'. Sorry. I love this software and use it many times everyday, but there are some terminology I am not familiar with.
Piecing together what you've said - it sounds like:
You see the 'Desktop (create shortcut)' link in the actual folder (if you go to it by typing /sendto in the Opus location field).
But you do NOT see the link when right clicking on an item and then expanding the 'Send To' menu in EITHER Opus OR Windows Explorer.
If that's the case, then somethign seems fundamentally broken from an OS perspective... maybe that link file is corrupt in some way? Shouldn't be the case since, as I understand it... even an EMPTY text file with the name Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink should just work.
Maybe move/delete and recreate the file and see what happens?
I ran 'shell:sendto' created a new Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink which it rename. I deleted the original and renamed the one I put there. I then deleted several programs I had loaded recently that were there to see if this had any effect. When I right clicked on a file to send a shortcut to the desktop, it did not show as an option. Interesting, the files I had deleted were missing as they should have been.
I think you are right. There's something amiss in the OS. It's been well over a year since I completely redid my system. I've been thinking about doing it for a month. I think it's time.
Thanks for you help. I had gone as far as I knew how to. You've confirmed it.
Awfully strange... can't think of any reason why Windows would suppress that particular shortcut. Something weird about permissions to desktop, or maybe something to do with your user profile? If you go to /desktop in Opus, and try to copy a file there - does it then show up on your actual desktop?