How to add a photo toward library

Hi forum,

I'd like to add an additional folder to a certain library of mine.

Do I simply drag-and-drop that folder into the library, like if I was copying the folder?

I'm asking because when I drag-and-drop certain folders into that library, the folders disappear from the source location, as if they had been moved to the library instead of simply referenced.

So what is the proper way of adding a folder to a library?

I don't see the "Include a folder button" referenced here:!Documents/Libraries.htm

By the way I often find it not so helpful if in a help file you are requested to "click the XYZ button" without any reference how that button looks or where it can be found…

Right-click the library, choose Properties, and you can change which folders are members of it from there.

Thanks Leo, that worked :slightly_smiling_face: