HOW TO: Always 'Replace existing configuration completely'

NOTE: GPSoft most likely would not 'endorse' this... but:

If you're like me and ALWAYS restore your 'entire' configuration over the top of an existing config using the 'Backup & Restore' restore feature built into Opus v9 then a quick little hack to avoid an extra mouse click and make the 'Restore configuration' page always pre-select the 'Replace existing configuration completely' checkbox is to set the restore flags= value to 255 in the /dopuslocaldata\State Data\backupconfig.osd file like so:

<restore flags="255" />
There may be some good reasons why Opus doesn't let you do this... but I 'always' restore an entire config. Not sure what would happen if you selected an OCB file with only a portion of an Opus config saved in it... but using this hack would behave the same as 'manually' selecting the checkbox anyway. At least 'after' you set this, then make a 'new' backup, you won't ever have to click on it again after each time you restore a full config backup...

The very first thing I changed in a newly installed Opus 10!