That works!
I'll elaborate to wrap this up in case anyone else finds this information useful:
Uisng Leo's syntax, I modified my regex snippet in the script to:
'Delete Unicode Characters
regex.Pattern = "\s?\u0097|\s?\u0096"
strNameOnly = regex.Replace(strNameOnly, "")
Note that the \s?
in the code above is specific to my filenames that include a space-Unicode-space (they appear in Windows as two spaces as the Unicode character is invisible). If you are just matching a Unicode character, simply use the \uXXXX
If you are using Notepad++ to find these hidden Unicode characters as I did, the regex syntax is slightly different for Find/Replace \x{0097}
Leo to the rescue again. Thank you so much. I wish I had given up sooner and posted my struggle weeks ago! It would have saved me hours of frustration. I also added a short blurb on the Various simple rename presets page for reference.