The color of audio files has always been pinkish. I've tried changing the Artists and Albums settings in Displa->Fields but it didn't change. Is that the wrong location of field names?
Pink usually means the file is compressed (at the filesystem level, not just as in MP3 or Zip compression).
More detail here:
These are just mp3 files and Windows 7. The color has always been that way, well over five years. I never changed them since I don't look at that directory much but I have been lately so it more of a bother.
One of the following must be true:
They're compressed (compression existed in Windows 7 as well).
Have you tried disabling the Compressed files and folders checkbox in Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Files and folders - Compressed (shown in the FAQ I linked) and clicking Apply? That's the quickest way to test whether or not it involves compression.
It's also possible they have the System + Hidden attributes set.
That's more red than pink, assuming the default colors, but hidden files are slightly washed out which can make System + Hidden files look a little pink. It'd be unusual for mp3s to be flagged as system files, but I've seen it happen.
That comes from Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Files and folders - System.
Or you've applied a label in Opus that changes their colors.
Labels can be applied to individual files, and can be reset via the menu shown in Set File & Folder Colors/Labels via Context Menu.
But if even a brand new *.mp3 file is a different color then it might be a label matching *.mp3 or similar, which you'd find under Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Label Assignments. (None exist by default.)
Label colors are defined under Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels.
The files were compressed. The answer was in the FAQ you quoted but the reference to Windows 10 made me think it didn't apply. I was able to change the color. Thank you.
Glad it's working as you want now!
I've edited the FAQ slightly to make it clearer that it applies to older versions of Windows as well.