How to change font colors / clarity (and get deleted help menu back on toolbar)?

i use Opus 13. sese screenshots, question is:

  1. As you can see the text font/color are very dom on NAS location (the right side of file NAS text font) and in the properties section of a file (file property section see eg dates on the right side)
  2. i accidentially deleted the menu in the toolbar "help" how do i get help menu back on toolbar ?


  1. Which colors do you want to change exactly?

  2. You can get it from the Customize dialog's Default Toolbars tab.

  3. Ask one question per thread

its kind of hard to read so look at the dates for example 26-12-2024 18:03 can the font be changed so its easier to read ?

On the other picture you see for example "Arkiv" also here the text is hard to read, but its strange because the font/text on a local drive is fine readable but what you see on the screenshot os a NAS drive here the text is much more dim

There are so many settings in opus, where do i change what i see on the screenshot ?

Both are easy to read here. May depend on the monitor calibration/contrast.

Both colors are the same one:

  • Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Windows Colors / [System Colors] Window contents: Text

Note that the Previous Versions dialog caches the color when it opens, and you have to cancel and re-open it after making changes to see the difference. It also fades out the date column there, so you don't get exactly what you specify. (That dialog is part of Windows, not part of Opus, so those behaviours are outside our control.)

Ok thanks, I edited the text to be a little lighter that helpes immense.

BTW if i select settings => backup and restore and check all the boxes everything incl toolbar changes etc is backed up ?

So installing on a new PC importing this backup will 100 % create the same looks and setup etc?

Thanks :slight_smile: