How to change font size in address bar (not title bar)?

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I have successfully changed the display to my liking and increased font sizes for all items. Except one. There does not appear to be an option to change the font size in the address bar (below the tabs). The size appears to be 9 points, which, for age reasons, is now virtually illegible for me. I have changed everything else under "Colours and fonts" in the preferences. There appear 14 items under "Font", but "Address bar" is not one of them. Where else should I look, please? Of course, I know that I can change scale and lay-out from 100 % to something higher in Windows (10 Pro 64 bits) itself, but that goes quite severely at the expense of crispness.

Best regards,

That font is defined as part of the toolbar that the field is placed on. To change it, go to Settings / Customize, click the Toolbars tab and select the File Display toolbar in the list. Then use the Font option on the right side of the dialog to configure the font as desired.


Thank you for your prompt response, Jon.