How to configure NerOpus Toolbar

How do I configure the NerOpus Toolbar? At present, a DOS Command Prompt window opens when I click on BurnCD, for instance.


It's supposed to open a dos window. It uses the Command Line version of Nero (which is installed with Nero) to perform its magic.

The only real configuration you need to do is edit each button and change the drive letter in the command to your actual burners drive letter. Then select some files, and burn...

How can I do this?
Where can I find the configuration?

You just edit the commands which the toolbar buttons run. If you're not familiar with that, check the Tutorials forum for the Toolbars tutorial (and the manual for reference and the full details, of course).

You should [u]DEFINITELY[/u] learn the toolbar basics like Nudel has suggested... but as a shortcut, since the there are about a dozen or so buttons/tri-buttons on the toolbar, you can also quickly edit the /dopusdata\Buttons\NeroOpus.dop button file and replace all occurences of the default string --drivename d with --drivename X where X is YOUR drive letter...

FYI: if you have more than one optical writer, and you don't want to go crazy creating more buttons/tri-buttons (one for each drive letter) then you can also also replace the string above with somethign like:

--drivename {dlgchoose|Select a drive letter...|X:=X+Y:=Y}

...again, where X and Y would be YOUR two drive letters, and where this code would prompt you with a drop down dialog asking you to select the drive letter.

i am just integrating the NerOpus Toolbar at the moment...

info, erase, open and close function work... now trying to burn something, i get the following output: "There is a file name conflict!" "Du you want to use the first or second file, or to exit?" -First- -Second- -Exit-

it only burns one file then!

my commandline:
"%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NeroCmd.exe" --real --detect_non_empty_cdrw --no_error_log --recursive --underrun_prot --disable_eject --write --drivename X --iso "{Rs|Enter volume label, 16 chars max.|CD}" {allfilepath$}

the argument {allfilepath$} should be correct but is not working in case of nerocmd.exe ?!

I'm guessing you have two or more files with the same names selected (e.g. in different folders) and thus you're asking Nero to write multiple files with the same name to the root of the CD, which is impossible.

the nero output would make sense then, but unfortunately it is not so.
i made for the beginning very simple tests: only 1 dir selecting about 5 files of different file formats with different names of course. tried this several times, also from different source dirs.

ps: nerocmd.exe is v4.0.0.0 from nero8

Try running Nero manually, from a command prompt, using the command-line you think Opus should be generating.

That will tell you if the problem is Opus not doing what you expect it to, or Nero not working how you expect it to, and from there we (or Nero support if it's Nero) can work out where the confusion is.

It may also be that Nero 8 has a different command-line syntax. I know that different Nero versions have changed it in the past. From a quick look (I may have missed a thread), I could only find Opus toolbars for three other versions of Nero:

[ul][li]Nero 9[/li]
[li]Nero 7[/li]
[li]Nero 6[/li][/ul]

i tried hundreds of several command possibilities - no chance, also directly from CLI.
"%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NeroCmd.exe" --real --detect_non_empty_cdrw --no_error_log --recursive --underrun_prot --disable_eject --write --drivename X --iso CD
file1 file2
"file1 file2"
"file1" "file2"
{file1} {file2}
"{file1} {file2}"

i can only burn all of my files if i copy them into a folder and then burn the folder only. nerocmd -also inside dopus- works in this case. i can only burn 1 file or 1 folder... :frowning:

tried an older version of NeroCmd.exe

now it works everything like a charm... :laughing: