How to customize the toolbar customize context menu?

Couldn't find it in the context menu list


Unfortunately the most important part is missing: 4

It's called a cliffhanger :smiley:

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That particular menu can't be customized at the moment.

What would you change on it?

For Customize I'd like to use e as accelerator since e is used for all subsequent Edit operations, so can use the same button

And would also remove all catastrophic operations like resetting toolbars (or maybe hide them behind another sub-menu and remove all accelerators from them to avoid a typo being very bad) .

Then move some of my custom toolbars to the main menu instead of the Toolbars submenu

I'd also add an "undo close" button there :slight_smile:

AFAIK you can't open this menu via the keyboard, only the mouse. There are ways to open Customize via the keyboard, but this menu wouldn't help here, unless there's a way to open it I'm not thinking of.

You have to confirm resetting the toolbar, so it's unlikely you'll ever trigger it by accident.

That makes sense, but there are already lots of other places you can have toolbar lists.

I don't think "undo close toolbar" exists as a command in Opus, unless I've forgotten about it.

that's fine, but after you open it with a mouse (just like a button) it's better to have the same accelerator as for other toolbar buttons

Well, resetting to default toolbars (though less catastrophic) works without a confirmation. Though it's also that they don't belong in that list, it's a different category of operations

Like Customize/Tollbars? Since I rarely edit toolbars the right-click default is the most convenient so I don't need to remember the alternatives (and also doesn't spawn a big window)

Hence the :slight_smile: