How to display a simple dialog box as part of a command

I remember running across a discussion once, but I can't find it now.

Leo, I think it was, gave an example of displaying a simple dialog box as part of a command to return information for debugging, and it didn't use {dlgstring} or the like.

I must be using completely wrong search terms because I'm having no luck finding it again.


There are a few ways to display a dialog. What kind of dialog do you want? What information or controls do you want it to contain?

If it's just for debugging, outputting to the script log is often easiest.

It wasn't for a script, just for a button command.

It was something simple added to the command that displayed a simple dialog box and it didn't use {dlgstring} or a similar command.


dopusrt /argsmsgbox

Thanks, /argmsgbox is exactly what I was thinking of.

Specifically, I was thinking of Leo's reply in the DopTest discussion.

You can also use @confirm in simple buttons to show a dialog with text and OK/Cancel options.

Thanks for the additional response, Leo.

I found @confirm in the online manual, and it does look like what I actually needed.

Still, I bookmarked /argmsgbox since I finally found what I was vaguely remembering and it will be useful.