How to exclude certain folders from synchronization (e.g. 'bin'/'obj')?

After lots of manual experiments and research with this forum's search function, some AI helpers, this might be a real bug or shortcoming of the exclusion feature in the Synchronize tool.
Don't get me wrong, it is a great and powerful tool, but I cannot find a way to solve a usecase I quite often have:

I want to synchronize working directories to a transfer/backup drive, but since the directories are mostly code projects and include build directories (LOTS of binary data), I want to exclude certain usual directories with names like "obj" or "bin". But exclusions like

Is there a way to make these mass transfers with directory exclusion based on name patterns?


Have you tried bin and obj without slashes or wildcards?

Looks like the deeper nested folders are a problem. Try a filter instead of an Exclude:

location nomatch "*\\(obj|bin)"

Thanks for the superfast reply!

Part 0: In fact I had not yet tested without any wildcards, but just now I can state: It still tries to copy bin/obj...

Part 1: When using location nomatch "*\\(obj|bin)", Opus tells me "No changes detected or required." Unfortunately also not very useful. (I also tried lots of combinations with the filter wizard, to no avail :confused: )

I'm just wondering whether I'm really the first and only person to have a problem with this use case... I mean DOpus is probably used by lots of power users, so I was quite sure I had just a bit too little experience with advanced features and lots of people tell me to do something obvious :wink:

We'll improve this in the next update. Thanks for the detailed report!


Awesome that this will be taken care of, Jon! :crown:
Thanks a lot, this will be a great help both for my day job and my hobby usage. (And I'm sure, also at least for lots of people dealing with software development with build artifacts.)