At the bottom of Directory Opus I have the "Location"-panel showing
(e.g.) This Computer-> Folder->
Three questions:
a) how to increase the number that DO 'remembers' ?
(I think the default setting is 20?)
-note: I wasn't sure whether it had anything to do with it, so I just gave it a try: Preferences/Favourites+Recent/Recent List:
increased "Enable Recent List, maximum size" to 50 folders
Preferences/Favourites+Recent/SmartFavorites: Number of SmartFavorites folders to 60 and folder activity point to 40.
(again, I just gave it a try...) - nothing changed.
b) how to clear folders that donot exist anymore from the 'Location'-list.
c) how to get DO jump to a selected location in the folder tree (left window-panel) when selecting a folder from the locationlist
at the bottom of DO. So when selecting a folder from the Locationlist it now only shows the folder contents in the right-window-panel.
The position in the left window panel does not change, along with the selected folder fm the locationlist.
Likely the answer is on the site somewhere but after close to an hour of searching I gave up..
[quote="mrwul"]a) how to increase the number that DO 'remembers' ?
I just gave it a try: Preferences/Favourites+Recent/Recent List:
increased "Enable Recent List, maximum size" to 50 folders
nothing changed.[/quote]
You changed the correct setting. You then have to actually visit some new folders for them to be added to the list. It won't increase the size of the list instantly because the other folders you visited before changing the setting were not remembered (because the setting told Opus to forget them).
I'm not sure but you may have to do something inside a folder for it to be added to the recent list, too. If you just travel to another folder then it might be ignored. Copy & paste and delete some files to test it. It works fine here and my list began to grow after I increased the setting in Preferences.
I don't think there is a way. Maybe it should happen automatically, the same way Opus checks for items in Collections which no longer exist.
[quote]c) how to get DO jump to a selected location in the folder tree (left window-panel) when selecting a folder from the locationlist
at the bottom of DO.[/quote]
(Please ask unrelated questions in separate threads. It makes them easier for other people to find if they're looking for the same thing.)
I can't find any ways to navigate to a folder which don't cause the Folder Tree to update and show the new current location but I'm not sure what you mean by the location list at the bottom -- do you mean the Recent list, or folder tabs or something else?
Thanks for the feedback!
With -say- the "Location"-list, I meant the small horizontal window-panel showing My Computer->Drive->Folder.
You may have at the top, by default it is at the bottom.
Whilst selecting a previous folder, from the dropdown-list, e.g. My Computer-> F-drive -> Temp, DO will jump to the 'folder-contents' of the selected folder.
It wil show up in the right window panel.
However, it will nót actually jump to that folder (in the left windowpanel, foldertree), i.e. no changes are made to the tree-position in the left window-panel.
So in fact you might see (e.g.) the contents of \temp on the right side, whilst in the left window-panel e.g. c:\documents and settings\ is marked.
I wud assume that in the folder-tree the selected folder wud be marked.
(btw I started this thread because when clicking on the 'back' or 'forward' button in the toolbar DO is doing exactly the same:
jumps to the folder contents only, but not to the respective folders in the foldertree. It is a bit complicated to clearly explain, but I hope you understand )