How to keep "Advanced rename" open?

I'm using DO 9.
This is probably a silly question, but I can't find the solution.
When I select a bunch of files, and then go to "File Commands" > "Rename", I can use the advanced renaming section all right. But when the renaming has been done, I am taken back to the view panel, i.e. the file list I started from, even though I might have wanted to do a second or third renaming operation on that same bunch of files. It would be nice if the renaming window would simply (?) remain open.
Can this be done?

Not sure what exactly you mean, but with several files selected in the rename mode (F2) you can simply
use the up/down arrows & stay in the rename mode, enabling you to rename the files in one go.
Enter will quit the rename session, after the last file name was edited.

Ok, i think i see what you mean. I donĀ“t think you kan stay in the advanced rename mode the way it is possible with
the inline rename, but instead having to go over the regular menu, you could create a new hotkey command using
RENAME ADVANCED on each file, which will open the advanced rename directly.

Make sure your Rename button has @nodselect in the command, like this:

Rename ADVANCED @nodeselect

(In the button editor, you may need to click the Advanced button to make it go multi-line and allow you to add the second line to the command.)

That is the way the Rename button is setup by default in Opus 10, but I think in Opus 9 it was missing the @nodeselect unless you added it by hand.

After doing that, when you rename some files they will stay selected, allowing you to simply click Rename again if you want to rename the same files some more.

That's a pity. The Advanced Rename window has quite a number of options, and it's something of a hassle to have to dig through them just to do an additional renaming operation. Oh well, I guess there are worse things. Pity, though.

Make this the command and the Rename dialog will open with the same settings it had the last time it was used:

Rename ADVANCED PRESET=last @nodeselect

(Or you could just click "Last Rename" on the right of the Rename window if/when you want that.)