How to make "Skip All" default button, not "Skip"

There are times when I want to delete multiple files, some of which are locked by processes. This causes Directory Opus to show a "An error occurred deleting..." error message for every file that is locked. Instead of having to press Shift, then Skip All - is there a way to make the Skip All button be shown instead of the Skip button?

The reason I'm asking is because I use a program called PTFB Pro to automatically press buttons (OK, Cancel, Apply, etc) in windows message boxes in which I always press the same buttons. Because I have to press Shift, then click Skip All, PTFB Pro doesn't work with the "An error occurred deleting..." error message.

There's no way to change which button is the default there.

(Delete NORECYCLE QUIET would skip things automatically without prompting, but would also remove the initial delete confirmation prompt, so you may not want that, especially without having the recycle bin as a backup.)

It looks like the macro program you're using can record both mouse clicks and keystrokes so you could make it send Ctrl+Shift+S to skip all, if it isn't able to do both a qualifier key and a mouse click at once.

Thanks for the information.