How to paste Clipboard text via a button's Hotkey?

I want to paste my Clipboard text in rename mode just like Ctrl + v
But I need to use a regex for remove 4 character from right from my clipboard text also.
spouse my clipboard text is My Clipboard demo text (1)
Now I have Select my target folder then press F2 for rename mode
Now I want to set a Hotkey (just like Ctrl + v) for paste my Clipboard text but remove 4 character from right, so my wanted text will be My Clipboard demo text

Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*).\(\d+\)" "\1\2"

This command can copy selected folder name & this Regex REGEXP "(.*).\(\d+\)" "\1\2" can remove the (1) from the right, I need a command for paste when I am in inline rename mode.

Do I need to try any Script? or any default command can do that?

An idea: Define a new command (via script?) which does what you want and asign a hotkey to this command. But I do not know if that works/if a command can be used like this.

Or create a new button with the wanted behavior and asign a hotkey.

You can then even skip the manual F2. The command/button can rename the selected file directly.