How to quickly remove a file/folder from Global Filters

I posted a question about quickly hiding a file or folder using a hotkey, and adding them to my Global Filters here:

Now if I want to view (unhide) a file or folder that is hidden by a Global Filter, I either press a hotkey which disables all Global Filters by activating this command:


... or I click on an entry in my status bar which activates this command:


Is there a command or a way that would let me perform the opposite action? That is, can I remove a file or folder from the Global Filters using a hotkey? I am currently doing the following to remove a file from the Global Filters:

  1. I unhide a file in a Lister.
  2. Copy the file name to the clipboard.
  3. Open Preferences > Global Filters, then copy all of the text in the Filename: edit field to the clipboard.
  4. Paste the text to a text file, then open it.
  5. Search for the file name I want to remove, delete it, then copy the remaining text to the clipboard.
  6. Paste the text back to the Filename: edit field, then save my changes.

This is a tedious process. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Nothing stops the same script from removing things from the pattern in the same way it adds them, so you could do it like that.

Using the Hidden attribute, that exists for this kind of thing, would be a lot easier though!

Hmmm... This is the script I am using that adds files/folders to the Global Filters:

Option Explicit

Function OnClick(clickData)

	Dim flt, vecFiles, vecDirs, f, cmd, c
	Set flt = DOpus.filters
	Set vecFiles = DOpus.Create.Vector
	Set vecDirs = DOpus.Create.Vector

	c = 0
	for each f in clickData.func.command.files
		if f.is_dir Then
		end if
		c = c + 1

	if c > 0 Then
		if not(vecDirs.empty) then AddToFilter flt.folder, vecDirs, clickData.func.command, "GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS"
		if not(vecFiles.empty) then AddToFilter flt.file, vecFiles, clickData.func.command, "GLOBALHIDEFILENAME"
		if not(flt.enable) then clickData.func.command.AddLine("Set GLOBALHIDEFILTER on")
	end if

End Function

Function EscapeFilename(strName)
	strName = Replace(strName, "'", "''")
	strName = Replace(strName, "#", "'#")
	strName = Replace(strName, "(", "'(")
	strName = Replace(strName, ")", "')")
	strName = Replace(strName, "~", "'~")
	strName = Replace(strName, "[", "'[")
	strName = Replace(strName, "]", "']")
	EscapeFilename = strName
End Function

Function AddToFilter(strPattern, vecItems, cmd, arg)

	Dim f, existingMatches, setNewMatches
	if Left(strPattern, 1) = "(" then strPattern = Right(strPattern, Len(strPattern) - 1)
	if Right(strPattern, 1) = ")" then strPattern = Left(strPattern, Len(strPattern) - 1)
	existingMatches = Split(strPattern, "|")

	Set setNewMatches = DOpus.Create.StringSetI
	for each f in existingMatches

	For each f in vecItems

	strPattern = "("
	for each f in setNewMatches
		if Len(strPattern) > 1 Then strPattern = strPattern & "|"
		strPattern = strPattern & f
	strPattern = strPattern & ")"

	cmd.AddLine "Set " & arg & " """ & strPattern & """"
End Function

Are you saying I could modify this script to do the reverse (unhide instead of hide)? If so, could you tell me how to do this? Thanks for your help.

Yes, exactly. Not knowing how much scripting experience you have, which part(s) do you need help with?

I have no scripting experience. I don't want to take up your time, I just thought I could modify the same script that adds objects to the Global Filters. Thank you.