I posted a question about quickly hiding a file or folder using a hotkey, and adding them to my Global Filters here:
Now if I want to view (unhide) a file or folder that is hidden by a Global Filter, I either press a hotkey which disables all Global Filters by activating this command:
... or I click on an entry in my status bar which activates this command:
Is there a command or a way that would let me perform the opposite action? That is, can I remove a file or folder from the Global Filters using a hotkey? I am currently doing the following to remove a file from the Global Filters:
I unhide a file in a Lister.
Copy the file name to the clipboard.
Open Preferences > Global Filters, then copy all of the text in the Filename: edit field to the clipboard.
Paste the text to a text file, then open it.
Search for the file name I want to remove, delete it, then copy the remaining text to the clipboard.
Paste the text back to the Filename: edit field, then save my changes.
This is a tedious process. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hmmm... This is the script I am using that adds files/folders to the Global Filters:
Option Explicit
Function OnClick(clickData)
Dim flt, vecFiles, vecDirs, f, cmd, c
Set flt = DOpus.filters
Set vecFiles = DOpus.Create.Vector
Set vecDirs = DOpus.Create.Vector
c = 0
for each f in clickData.func.command.files
if f.is_dir Then
end if
c = c + 1
if c > 0 Then
if not(vecDirs.empty) then AddToFilter flt.folder, vecDirs, clickData.func.command, "GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS"
if not(vecFiles.empty) then AddToFilter flt.file, vecFiles, clickData.func.command, "GLOBALHIDEFILENAME"
if not(flt.enable) then clickData.func.command.AddLine("Set GLOBALHIDEFILTER on")
end if
End Function
Function EscapeFilename(strName)
strName = Replace(strName, "'", "''")
strName = Replace(strName, "#", "'#")
strName = Replace(strName, "(", "'(")
strName = Replace(strName, ")", "')")
strName = Replace(strName, "~", "'~")
strName = Replace(strName, "[", "'[")
strName = Replace(strName, "]", "']")
EscapeFilename = strName
End Function
Function AddToFilter(strPattern, vecItems, cmd, arg)
Dim f, existingMatches, setNewMatches
if Left(strPattern, 1) = "(" then strPattern = Right(strPattern, Len(strPattern) - 1)
if Right(strPattern, 1) = ")" then strPattern = Left(strPattern, Len(strPattern) - 1)
existingMatches = Split(strPattern, "|")
Set setNewMatches = DOpus.Create.StringSetI
for each f in existingMatches
For each f in vecItems
strPattern = "("
for each f in setNewMatches
if Len(strPattern) > 1 Then strPattern = strPattern & "|"
strPattern = strPattern & f
strPattern = strPattern & ")"
cmd.AddLine "Set " & arg & " """ & strPattern & """"
End Function
Are you saying I could modify this script to do the reverse (unhide instead of hide)? If so, could you tell me how to do this? Thanks for your help.
I have no scripting experience. I don't want to take up your time, I just thought I could modify the same script that adds objects to the Global Filters. Thank you.