First, some background, because there might be a better solution to the problem I'm trying to solve.
I've been creating some playlists of random albums. I use a random number generator between 1 and say 1000 and use the number, say 55, as the index into my music database, so I can select the Artist -Album at position 55. Using dopus, I select the folder, click on the icon and copy and paste. I put 10 random album full path (NAS) folder names into a random.m3u file and then load that into mp3tag which then loads the individual music files (mp3, flac, etc) and then I can save the resulting playlist as random_01.m3u and off we go.
My first step on the road to nirvana would be to be able to select artist-album folders one at a time and write them to a fixed name text file, so after writing 10 full path folder names to the fixed name text file, I would process that (as above) and empty the file out for the next go. I think I know how to get the full path folder name from my recent jscript python button, which works fantastically well.
The bit I'm not sure about is writing to the text file. The only bit I could find in the manual is about Scripting.FileSystemObject and when I look that up on msdn I can see CreateTextFile, OpenTextFile, Write, etc. But these look like vbscript only to my inexperienced eye, and I would like to use jscript if possible.
Here's where I'm thinking you'll say, you don't want to do it like that, you want to do it like this....
I also found tbone's SelectEx (Command: SelectEx (extended Select command)) which I'm now going to read again and try to understand if it's a bridge too far for me or exactly the right thing.