How to show item IDs in a script column?

Using code based on an example provided by @lxp I attempted to create a column to display item IDs. It always displays 0 for each item instead of a unique ID. If, instead of I display item.ext the correct extension displays.



// Show item IDs

function OnInit(initData) { = 'ID';
    initData.desc = 'Show DOpus internal item IDs';
    initData.version = '1.0';
    initData.default_enable = true;

function OnAddColumns(addColData) {
    var col = addColData.AddColumn(); = 'ID';
    col.header = 'ID';
    col.label = 'ID';
    col.method = 'OnColumn';
    col.justify = 'right';

function OnColumn(scriptColData) {
    var item = scriptColData.item;
	scriptColData.value =; // Always shows 0 instead of item ID
	//scriptColData.value = item.ext; // Works with item extension

It's possible the ID isn't populated when calling column scripts.

I'm not sure what the IDs would be useful for, or why it's even there on the object; maybe there's something you can pass it to that I've forgotten about. But it's probably not that useful for anything else. The IDs are only unique for a given file display tab, and only until it refreshes or changes folders.

Editing the default script slightly, you can see the IDs via a toolbar button:

function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmd = clickData.func.command;
	cmd.deselect = false; // Prevent automatic deselection

	DOpus.Output("Selected items in " + clickData.func.sourcetab.path + ":");
	if (clickData.func.sourcetab.selected.count == 0)
		DOpus.Output("  (none)");
		for (var eSel = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.selected); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext())
			var item = eSel.item();
			DOpus.Output( + " " +;

Yes, I know how to access item IDs from a script and I am aware of the the caveats you mention @leo

According to the documentation ScriptColumnData.item "Returns an Item object representing the file or folder that Opus wants the script to return the column value for." and id is a standard item object property, hence my surprise that attempting to access this way doesn't work.

Without going into unnecessary detail, I use for mapping purposes in a fairly complex script I am working on. Being able to see the corresponding IDs in a column whilst debugging would have been useful but since that is not currently possible I will have to use a DOpus.Output reference list instead.

@aussieboykie FWIW, an example of how Evaluator can be abused for the purpose.

It doesn't work very well for a column since when you expand a folder, the calculated values don't change, but it should serve for other purposes.

// Test for item IDs
// copyright (c) 2024  Christian Arellano García

function OnInit(initData) { = 'ID';
	initData.desc = 'Show DOpus internal item IDs';
	initData.version = '1.0';
	initData.default_enable = true;

function OnAddColumns(addColData) {
	var col = addColData.AddColumn(); = 'ID';
	col.header = 'ID (Script)';
	col.label = 'ID';
	col.method = 'OnColumn';
	col.justify = 'right';
	col.autorefresh = true;
	col.namerefresh = true;
var id_map;

function OnColumn(scriptColData) {
	var item = scriptColData.item;
	if (!id_map || id_map.count != {
	if (id_map.Exists(scriptColData.item)) scriptColData.value = id_map(scriptColData.item);

function getMapID(tab) {
	// DOpus.Output('Creating map...');
	id_map = DOpus.Create.Map();
	var items = tab.all;
	if (items.count == 0) return;
	var nested = items.RemoveNested(); //remove nested items and get the count
	if (!nested) { //no nested, so the list is good to use as it is
		for (var i = 0; i < items.count; i++) {
			id_map(items(i)) = i + 1;
	else { //use Evaluator
		// DOpus.Output('Evaluator...');
		var cmd = DOpus.Create.Command();
		tab.Update(); //needed to redo items list
		var cmdline = 'Select FILTERDEF =$glob:id_map=$glob:id_map + fullpath + "?"; return false;'
		cmd.RunCommand("Select NONE");
		// DOpus.Output(cmdline);
		if (DOpus.Vars.Exists('id_map')) {
			var values = DOpus.Vars.Get('id_map').split('?');
			for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
				// DOpus.Output(values[i]);
				id_map(values[i]) = i + 1;
			DOpus.Output('Unable to create id_map!! ');

We'll feed the ID value through to script columns in the next beta.

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That's Rube Goldberg level of trickery! :+1: