Hi, I just bought 12 Pro because I read that the upgrade to 13 will be free now that the beta of 13 started. I registered my 12 Pro version and then downloaded and installed the 13 beta. Upon opening the app I'm greeted by the Directory Opus Licence Manager. I try to install my certificate, but it says 'The Certificate is for an older version of Directory Opus' which makes sense, but I can't seem to continue to actually using the beta now. The Licence Manger is the only window I get, and there's no way to continue?
Have a look:
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Thanks a lot, I totally missed that!
Maybe it's just me, but this was not a step that was very obvious and could maybe do with being more visible?
Maybe that's a check to see if you've got what it takes to beta test
It’s pinned to the top of the forum, twice. We could make it flash, I guess.
Omg! Yup, it's definitely just me in this case
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