How to turn off feature of automatically selecting second instance of diropus as destination?

If I have multiple instances of DirOpus open, and in the first instance I right click on a file and select "Copy..." it will immediately copy the file to whatever directory is selected in the second instance of diropus.
How can I turn off this "feature"? - meaning I want all file operations to work as if I only had one instance of diropus open (and prompt me for the destination directory, etc.).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Opus 13 works like that by default. There's not an easy way to make earlier versions do that though.

With all due respect, could @Commander possibly be referring to two instances of single display listers ?

In that case, Preferences -> File Displays -> Options with the single display option checked seems to me at least to also be a possible cause.
More specifically, Single display Listers have source/destination modes.


Yes that was what I was referring to (that option is off by default). However the option didn't exist before Opus 13, and the feature could not be disabled.

Oh Yes,
That brings back memories of old versions of Directory Opus !
Thanks !