How to use line breaks in Evaluator strings?

How do I insert line breaks into Evaluator strings?

In this example, only the first line works, and only for the log. The clipboard won't contain a proper line break.

=tmp="line1" + "<br>" + "line2"
// =tmp="line1" + "\n" + "line2"
// =tmp="line1" + "\r" + "line2"
// =tmp="line1" + "\r\n" + "line2"
// =tmp="line1" + Chr(13) + "line2"

Clipboard SET={=tmp=}

The background: I want to use the Evaluator to enhance Clipboard COPYNAMES. If the Evaluator could be added there, that'd be cool :slight_smile:

Don't think there's a way currently, but we'll make it work with Chr(10) in the next beta.

Once that's out, the most correct form would be a CR+LF (although a lot of the time just one or the other is sufficient for a lot of software, it depends what's reading the clipboard):

=tmp="line1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "line2"
Clipboard SET={=tmp=}
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