Hundreds of temp files in the trash bin

Are these somehow related to Opus? Seems like the dop prefix suggests it. I had over 450 of them in the trash. Just wondering.

They wouldn't normally end up in the trash bin. Not sure what happened there, unless they were manually recycled from the temp folder.

Maybe something a script add-in does?

You can safely empty the recycle bin, in any case.

Hmm, not sure what could be the reason. Maybe some interference with Everything searches? Looks like it started recently. I'm purging the recycle bin anyway every few days. Thanks.

I did a little research and found, that the temp files contain file sizes (like empty folders, being indicated by the '0' size) and paths of recently visited folders. So you might be right about some script most likely is collecting that data. Will be checking further.

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Looks like the EverythingFolderSize temp files. It'd be kinda flattering if you still used this add-in :wink:

Oh, ok, good to hear that. And why 'still'? It works very well.
Anyway, if you should get bored, maybe you could update the script to contain a 'nologs' option?

:slightly_smiling_face: :beers:


These files are used to send the size info from Everything to Opus. I am a bit surprised they aren't deleted automatically. I'll have a look.

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Your wish was my command :slight_smile:

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Cool, thanks. Loglevel 0 looks like it the default now.