I can't drag and drop movies files from DOpus to convertXtoDVD
vso-software.fr/products/con ... hp?lang=en
This is a bug or functional miss?
Sorry for my english, your soft is excellent, best regards
I can't drag and drop movies files from DOpus to convertXtoDVD
vso-software.fr/products/con ... hp?lang=en
This is a bug or functional miss?
Sorry for my english, your soft is excellent, best regards
I've debugged this and it looks like convertXtoDVD is doing something wrong, or at least unusual, when accepting the drag & drop.
You'll probably need to talk to the developers of the program to find out why they are doing this. If it's a mistake on their end then it will be easy for them to fix. If there's a good reason for what they're doing then let us know and Opus can be updated to support whatever it is that's supposed to happen but as far as I can tell from the Windows documentation and all the examples I can find, they are passing an illegal value in this context.
convertXtoDVD is asking Opus for a Shell IDList structure but the FORMATETC structure that convertXtoDVD fills in has lindex=0 instead of the standard lindex=-1. This causes Opus (and many other programs, but not Explorer it seems) to return DV_E_LINDEX.
Thanks for your quickly response, I will contact with the ConvertXtoDVD people, I let you know the news...
Since a second program has been found with the same problem, and Explorer seems to allow an "invalid" lindex value (or at least allow it to be both -1 and 0), a change has been planned for the next Opus update which should make this work (if it hasn't already been fixed in ConvertXtoDVD itself).