I want to have "Find results" lister slightly different

My current view shows me (details mode)
filename, size, date, attribute
That's fine, I donot need more info normally.
Except when I do a filesearch, find file.
In that case, I always manually add "Location" to the layout, else I would not know where the files are located.

can I set DO up in a way that only in the file find results window pane the location is also show.
As said I have to change the layout, RMB on a column->more->add Location to the display fields.


You can. It's done in the same way as saving a format for any other folder, via Tools -> Folder Options -> Save.

Thanks a lot!

Have to confess: I was a bit 'confused' with regards to 'save' settings
where it says:
For this folder
For This Folder and all subfolders
For All Folders

where I was afraid that using the save settings there wud mess up the other folder layout setting (std view)

thanks again

wish to get back on this, sorry, but one way or the other the settings are not saved.

Find duplicate
do a search
then change the results view - rmb on the columns, then click on "More.."
then add location.
Then apply
then click on Save - save for this and all subfolders
then again apply

close do
find duplicate
got back to where I was before the changes.

what am I doing wrong?


Look in Preferences - Folders - Folder Options, in the section at the top.

The change you made should have saved a new format for the coll://Duplicate Files path (assuming you have the duplicate finder set to "Show results in: Duplicate Files"; if not it should've saved it for some other path).

Now also the settings for find (above) are gone, i.e. again back to no-path results panel.... :cry:

Luckely had the settings saved (find panel show folder) which I started this thread with.
Restored that and the results panel is back including the path.
For how long I don't know.

Now the same for the results panel for dupl files ..


Your screenshot shows the Options page not the Folder Formats page.

Many thanks for your patience.
It is there alright.
I'll quickly make a backup of the settings.

again, tks!

Bad luck..

I'll just shortly want to let you know that DO continues to return to its initial find results layout (i.e. without the path).

Even though... when I look at "Preferences->Folder-Folder formats" the coll:// find results and dupl results are as per above printscreen.

Restoring the cfg file solved this problem, until next time.


Is the collection name you're looking at (usually "Find Results" or "Duplicate Results") the same as the name in the list of folder formats?

If you double-click those formats in Preferences, do they have the Location column in their list?

I use this all the time and Opus has never reset the folder format I've defined for my find results.

Sorry for the delay. In most cases it is a find result, duplicates I donot use too often. However, in both cases the layout is the same:
name, size on disk, modified, location.

The standard view (so not the results view for either search or duplicates) is just name, size on disk, modified, so the location is only added in the results panel, so i know whére the file is located.

When the location field is gone, I import settings again and it is there for a while, but one way or the other at some point something is triggering DO to return to the my std. view, name/size/modified.

Just discovered and up front, if this is the problem, well, I did not know..

CTRL-F and Tools-Find have different listers, maybe one is in conflict with the other? I don't know ... :confused:

If so, how to solve this?

thanks again.


The find panel always outputs to a collection-in-a-lister.

The find window can do that (and is set to in your screenshot) but can also output to a list that's attached to the find window as well as to the output window (Tools -> Output Window). Those two things will not use the Find Results collection's format (they're not collections in general and not the Find Results collection in particular).

Maybe what's happening is you've used the find window and set it to output to one of those two places?

(BTW, those non-collection destinations for results are really just left-overs from the days before Opus had file collections.)

I have spent a LOT of time to reproduce the error, each time writing down the steps I took but I admit DO hardly produced the error, while doing the simple find actions.
Also, as there are two Find menu's: one is a Find button in the button bar and one can be found under Tools->Find (which includes synch / duplicate tabs),
maybe the problem occurred using one of them only, i.e. I tried to reproduce the error using both find panels.

Anyway, I think I found it.

Go to any folder
Do whatever search
Location field is displayed sofar so good

In the results window (coll://find results) switch Explorer view to Image view (image view tab)
Then switch back
Location field is gone.
New searches are without location field now.

You may wonder why one should do that.
e.g. It might be that image files are having almost the same name and one might wish to identify what file represents what kind of image.
or in case of searching for duplicate .jpg's but before deleting any dups, one might wishto make sure that they are in fact dups,
or other reasons.

Anyway, apparently at regular times and for whatever reasons (that I donot recall anymore right now), during filehandlings, I apparently did this switch
causing to loose the layout that shows the location.

Don't know whether this can easily be solved by (un)tagging anything in the DO setup.
Or shd I report this to GPSoftware ?

[quote]In the results window (coll://find results) switch Explorer view to Image view (image view tab)
Then switch back [/quote]

You're not switching back to the original settings; you're applying the Explorer style (which presumably defines some columns and turns off the Location column).

Styles are never actually "active" and the tab control can be misleading since it looks like they are. In reality, styles just get applied and then that's it. Other things (such as folder formats) may then change the format but the style tab will still make it look like some style is active even though it's now overridden.

(Most of the time this makes sense as people usually use styles to set the display mode, viewer, dual panel etc. but don't use them for folder format changes very often.)

If you edit the Explorer style and then edit the folder format within it, is the Columns tab turned on?

Mine is as follows

Regretfully, at this point I am a bit lost what to do :wink: and will be glad with your recommendations.


Turn off that Columns checkbox (top-left of the lower window in your screenshot) so that when you apply the Explorer style it doesn't change the columns.

The reason you're losing the Location column is that you're applying a style that changes the columns to something else.

Feel bad to say, that seems not to be the solution. Did as you advised, but once I toggle from explorer to image view, the location field is again lost.

Seems you have a similar find results layout (with location)

What is happening with DO at yours using tools->find and switching from detail to images and back (in the find results window) and then go to any folder and do a find again using tools/find.


The location field stays there since none of my styles change the columns (or the display mode or folder-format at all, for that matter).

Is your Images style also setting the columns?

Yes, I just untagged that one as well.

what is your default layout (details mode)?
does it contain the location?

Normally, with me, it is not, it only shows filename/size/date.

I just added location (rmb on one of the column header, under More.. added location). Based on thát switching between details and images does not have any affect on the layout....
So I just wondered, maybe you have location as default layout?