I’ve got some backup software that places an icon overlay on files and folders that are backed up onto it’s server. If I view these files in Explorer I see the icon overlay icon but they’re not showing up in Directory Opus.
I have the Folders -> Folder Display -> Show shortcut arrows and other icon overlays setting enabled in preferences.
This is what I see (or don't see). Explorer on the left, dopus on the right. Notice the green overlay icon on the "Bitcasa Mirror" folder in Explorer that's missing in dopus. If I open that folder all the files within have overlays in Explorer but not in dopus.
Do you get the overlays in the File Open dialog of, say, Notepad?
It's possible their shell extension only adds the overlays within Explorer itself, or it's possible that their shell extension has a compatibility problem with Opus somehow.
Is there a way for a developer to register an icon overlay with their application that means that the show shortcut and icon overlays pref setting in opus doesn't have an affect?
It is possible, yes, but I doubt they've done it intentionally. My guess is that they've made some assumptions about the way their extension will be hosted/called by the process it is inside of, and those aren't true with Opus like they are with Explorer and the File Open dialogs.
It's difficult to say for sure, though.
FWIW, Opus does not talk to icon overlay handlers directly; it just asks Windows what the icon and the overlay should be, and then draws what comes back.
I was hoping for some secret setting in Prefs-misc-advanced or some registry setting tweak but it looks like i'm going to have to hope Bitcasa changes their icon overlay code to make it compatible with Directoy Opus, which seems like an unlikely event.
The Bitcasa shell extensions are really broken inside of Opus, with various effects for different people (wrong or missing icons, crashes... or working fine for some people). It's outside of our control, unless they investigate and tell us we're doing something wrong (as far as we can tell, we're not). Other people who use both Opus and Bitcasa have been in touch with them but as far as I know they have not looked into why their code is failing within Opus.
Holly crap, that was fast. reply in 3 minutes leo, u rock
I just started using Bitcasa a couple of days ago, I hope it will work at all in a usable manner, TBH.
As for DOpus, what can I say, I started using it ~4 months ago, and already bought a 2nd licence couple of weeks back, and thinking I'll probably need more. Probably one of the best and most useful soft I've ever used. The "biggest problem" is, that now I can't even think of going back to explorer, hence more $ for more licences for my other pcs.
Thanks, this actually help me. Now I can see Bitcasa overlays on files and folders.
Interesting, with "all folders" enabled is this options, the overlay icons are loading fine in tree (left sidebar), but not in panels. You confirm this behavior?
[quote="tbs"]Interesting, with "all folders" enabled is this options, the overlay icons are loading fine in tree (left sidebar), but not in panels. You confirm this behavior?