Firstly, I am grateful that Opus 13 has finally addressed the slower network transfer performance issue for past few years between PC & NAS.
I have reformat the ssd with fresh Win11 running Opus 13 and happy with the network transfer speed. After installing some programs, i observed the file transfer speed dropped between laptop & NAS by 20%. At that juncture IDM was just installed. With IDM shutdown, the transfer speed is restored back to normal. I repeated this for a few times and was getting the same results. I decided to restart the laptop to test again.
Windows is restarted with IDM auto run. There is nothing being downloaded in the background. Copy file from the NAS is again slower to below 900MB/s as the graph below.
Shutdown IDM and copy the same file again, immediately speed restored to normal 1.1GB/s as below.
Reload IDM and run the file copy, speed dropped to <900MB/s again. Shutdown IDM the speed restored to >1.1GB/s.
This is very odd, a download manager shouldn't have affected Network Transfer Speed, it is not related to internet.
Can anyone replicate this problem? IDM is a nice download manager and quite handy in downloading video stream from just any site.