If file has 2 extensions, how to select only the first part of it

This may sound like a silly question.... but here goes..

when I press ":" i can then select whatever I wish. And it works great. If I want to select all cr3 extensions I just do :cr3 - quick and easy.... but if I have files with 2 extensions, such as .cr3 and .cr3.dop my select criteria also selects the .dop files as well. How do I enter the select string to only select .cr3 files and not .cr3.dop files.

Thank you.

Use *.cr3 and it should only match those.

(If the pattern starts or ends with a *, it overrides the partial match option, to let you do things like this without having to turn if on and off all the time.)

That will only work in the Filter Bar, combined with Ctrl-A to select and Esc to turn off the filter.

Depending on the use case, a button/hotkey might be easier:

Select PATTERN=.*\.cr3$ REGEXP