Image Viewer - how to show filename

Messing around with v12 and the enhanced image viewer, I tried to get the name of the current picture to show up.
It does not appear in the former "F1" info section and it also cannot be found after pressing F9 in the new meta-data area, in contrast to the meta-data area which is located in a regular lister, where the filename is to be found in the title of it.

Is there something we can tweak/modifiy to (finally ..o) see the filename of the currently displayed image in v12?

Offtopic issue(s) (maybe o):
When marking a picture which is located in a drives root (D:\ here) and aping from the (fullscreen) viewer..
DO jumps to a file collection with following path: "coll://Marked Pictures/D:/"

  • a collection "D:" does not exist though, it's called "D" it seems (file display is empty)
  • this action does not seem to create a path-history of some kind, I cannot get back to "D:" by pressing "back"

The filename (and optionally full path) is in the window title.

The status bar also has the filename.

If you mark the file you'll also see its name in the panel that appears (possibly the only current way to see the name while in full-screen mode, without toggling back to windowed mode).

I'd like to watch and review images in fullscreen mode (no distracting borders and colors mixing in etc.), so the window title or status bar do not really help.

I see how toggling a mark can be mis-used here, but honestly, that does not sound right to me, since there is an info section and the new meta-data area and the marking-panel needs closing everytime. I was hoping this would be possible now by configuring the info-tooltip style popup (F1) or looking at the new meta-data panel (F9). Just something to determine what I am currently looking at (raw file, jpg, finished edit etc.). A simple filename overlay somewhere in the corner would do it as well. I mean there are all kinds of data at hand now, from camera maker to gps coordinates, but the most simple piece of information, the filename, is still not in there.

No offense, just talking about my expectations! o)
I'd love to switch back to DOs viewer, as I see how it catched up in speed and functionality which is very nice!

If I get the toolbar to show up in fullscreen (the other thread), would it be possible to "paint it black" (I think so?) and put a label with a {code} in there or something to reveal the current file name?

I don't think a {code} would work on the toolbar currently.

We can look at adding the filename to the infotip when in fullscreen mode.

That would be something! o)