Imgur Uploader

This script adds a new command to upload all selected files anonymously to imgur.


  • Download imgurUploader.js.txt (6.0 KB)
  • Open Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts, then drag it to the list.

A minimum of DOpus V11.5 is required.

Once the script is installed there is a new command imgurUpload available in the command editor.
The command uploads all selected images to imgur and, after all uploads are finished, copies the links to the clipboard.

The imgur API has some restrictions regarding uploads per day. I am not sure about the quota but probably the integrated default key reaches its limit fast. For further usage create your own ClientID. If the quota limit is reached, the script will stop working!!!

Feel free to use, optimize and enhance the script. Please post your changes in this thread of the Dopus Resource Centre forum.

Script Code
The script code from the download above is reproduced here for reference.

// ************************** Script Information **************************
// imgur Uploader V0.9b
// (tested with Directory Opus 11.7.5b)
// © 2014 /^\\iran
// ****************************** Change log ******************************
// 2014-11-18 v0.9b	Inital Version
// ************************************************************************
// *                             Script-Data                              *
// ************************************************************************

SCRIPT_NAME = "imgur Uploader";
SCRIPT_DATE = "18.11.2104";
COPYRIGHT = "© 2014 /^\\iran";
MIN_VERSION = "11.5";

// ************************************************************************
// *                           System-Settings                            *
// ************************************************************************

imgur_ClientID = "b4af6ea447d2a6a";
imgur_BaseUrl = "";

// Called by Directory Opus to initialize the script
function OnInit(initData)
	// DOpus Version Check 
	if(!DOpus.version.atLeast(MIN_VERSION)){DOpus.OutputString("ERR: DOpus Version " + MIN_VERSION + "required to run this script!")}
	// Provide basic information about the Script = SCRIPT_NAME;
	initData.desc = "Upload images anonymously to imgur.";
	initData.copyright = COPYRIGHT;
	initData.min_version = MIN_VERSION;
	initData.default_enable = true;

	// Configuration Options of the Script
	initData.config.LogLevel = vecLogLevel;
	initData.config.imgurClientID = "";

	// Command initialisation
	var cmd = initData.AddCommand(); = "imgurUpload";
	cmd.method = "OnIMGUR";
	cmd.desc = initData.desc;
	cmd.template = "";
	return false;

function OnIMGUR(funcData)
	LogLevel = Script.config.LogLevel;	
	Logger (LOG_DEBUG, ("LogLevelName: " + vecLogLevel(LogLevel+1)));
// ************************************************************************
// *                             Functions                                *
// ************************************************************************

	links = "";
	selectedFiles = new Enumerator(funcData.func.sourcetab.selected_files);
	while (!selectedFiles.atEnd())
		if(!selectedFiles.item.is_dir) {
			var ostream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
			ostream.type=1;		//binary
			ostream.mode=3;		//read-write;
			var xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
			url = imgur_BaseUrl + "upload";"POST", url, false);
			xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
			xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
			ClientID = imgur_ClientID;
			if(Script.config.imgurClientID != "") {ClientID = Script.config.imgurClientID; Logger (LOG_INFO, ("Config ClientID: " + ClientID))};

			xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization:",  "Client-ID " + ClientID);
			if(xhr.status != 200)
				Logger (LOG_ERR, ("Status: " + xhr.status));
				Logger (LOG_ERR, ("Response: " + xhr.responseText));
				Logger (LOG_DEBUG, ("Status: " + xhr.status));
				Logger (LOG_DEBUG, ("Response: " + xhr.responseText));

				res = eval("(function(){return " + xhr.responseText+ ";})()");
				links += + "\n";
				Logger (LOG_INFO, ("URL: " +;	

	Logger (LOG_ALERT, ("Upload ready, Clipboard filled."));

// ************************************************************************
// *                            About-Dialog                              *
// ************************************************************************

function OnAboutScript(aboutData)
	LogLevel = Script.config.LogLevel;	
	Logger (LOG_DEBUG, ("LogLevelName: " + vecLogLevel(LogLevel+1)));
	Logger (LOG_DEBUG, "*** Enter About");
	About = "";
	About += SCRIPT_NAME + " " + SCRIPT_VERSION +"\n";
	About += SCRIPT_DATE + "\n\n";
	About += COPYRIGHT + "\n\n";
	About += "Feel free to use, optimize and enhance the script. Please post your comments and changes in the respective thread of the Dopus Resource Centre forum.\n";

	Commands = "";
	Commands += "*** Command Parameters ***\n";
	Commands += "\n";
	Commands += "No command Parameter, the script tries to upload all selected files from source lister.";
	Commands += "\n";

	Config = "";
	Config += "*** Configuration Parameters ***\n";
	Config += "\n";
	Config += "LOGLEVEL\n";
	Config += "Defines the details of log information the script outputs to the dopus other log.\n";
	Config += "Default: WARNING\n";
	Config += "\n";
	Config += "IMGURCLIENTID\n";
	Config += "Your personal imgur Client ID. Required to extend your individual request quota.\n";
	Config += "Default: \n";

	// Create Dialog
	dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
	dlg.window = aboutData.window;
	dlg.title = "Template";
	dlg.buttons = "About|Command Parameter|Config Parameter|Exit";
	dlg.icon = "info";
	ret = 1;
	do {
		if(ret == 1)	dlg.message = About;
		if(ret == 2)	dlg.message = Commands;
		if(ret == 3)	dlg.message = Config;
		ret =;
	while (ret != 0);

	Logger (LOG_DEBUG, "*** Exit About");

	return false;

// ************************************************************************
// *                          Utility Functions                           *
// ************************************************************************

var LOG_DEBUG = 0;
var LOG_INFO = 1;
var LOG_WARN = 2;
var LOG_ERR = 3;
var LOG_ALERT = 4;
var LogLevel = LOG_WARN;

vecLogLevel = DOpus.NewVector

function Logger(Level, strMessage)
	if (Level>=LogLevel)
		DOpus.OutputString("   " + strMessage);		

An interesting looking script, thanks. Some sort of progress meter/dialog would be a useful addition.

I installed the script and created a simple button that calls the imgurUpload command.

I then selected a random graphic (both a png and a jpg) and attempted to upload. Nothing happened, to include any feedback from the script itself.

I then added my ClientID; still nothing.

Any ideas?

It is still working for me.

Try enabling the debug log (Set LogLevel to "DEBUG" in Script Config), maybe there is some hint what is going wrong.

Not exactly sure where to do this... Is it in this part of the code?

// ************************************************************************
// *                          Utility Functions                           *
// ************************************************************************

var LOG_DEBUG = 0;
var LOG_INFO = 1;
var LOG_WARN = 2;
var LOG_ERR = 3;
var LOG_ALERT = 4;
var LogLevel = LOG_WARN;

vecLogLevel = DOpus.NewVector

function Logger(Level, strMessage)
	if (Level>=LogLevel)
		DOpus.OutputString("   " + strMessage);		

Probably not, try opening "Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts", find the script, select it and press the appearing "Config" button.

I should have thought of that!

Made the switch, tested the script and discovered a 403 error, invalid client id. This doesn't make sense as I am actually logged into imgur right now with the same client id the script says is invalid. Not sure why...

Have you checked, that there are no blanks at the start or end of you ID in the config?

Hi Miran, thanks for the script. I downloaded and it worked fine on the first time.

One question though, what would I need to do to get my own Client ID? And the Client ID that your script has is yours or from whom?


Hey, i know it's an old thread, but can someone confirm that it is still working? I have used it until last year quite a lot, but it stopped working for me.