Improved Status Bar Definition

I've created an improved status bar definition for Directory Opus that I suspect that some may find useful.


// Customized - version 1.01
// Source:

// Selected folders
{i:dir}  {sd} / {td} 
// Selected files
{i:file}  {sf} / {tf} 
// Count of hidden files
{h!} <#FF0000><b>{hi} hidden</b></#> {h!}
// Status of Everything mode 
{h!} <#008800><b>{hse}</b></#> {h!}
// Selected items of total
 {sba} / {tba} {rpad}
// Music
{h!}{i:.flac} {smp3} /{h!}{h!} {tmp3} {h!}
// Format lock control
{h!} {ls} {h!}
// Disk letter and name, free space label and a bar graph of used space
<b>{dlab} ({dlet}) [{fsys}]</b> {h!} {bg+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!}
// Disk Stats
{h!}Free: {df}{h!}
{h!}Used: {du}{h!}
{h!}Total: {dt}{h!}



  1. Open Directory Opus's preferences
  2. Click Display and then Status Bar
  3. Copy and paste the above code in
  4. Click the Apply then OK buttons


Here's an example screenshot, showing extra information about the current drive on the right:


Thanks, bookmarked in OneNote :blush:

Thanks for that, @hl2guide

This is what I've been using for a long time. I'll try yours out. :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:

{i:dir} {sd} / {td} 
{i:file} {sf} / {tf} 
{h!} <#FF0000><b>{hi} Hidden</b></#> {h!}
{h!} <#008800><b>{hse}</b></#> {h!}
{h!} {smp3} /{h!}{h!} {tmp3} {h!}
 {sba} / {tba} {rpad}
{h!} {ls} {h!}
{h!} {df} {bg+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!}

Audio and video time would be nice to have included in yours.

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Thanks for sharing. I updated mine, which was quite close.
Updating it, I realised it is possible to include unicode symbols.
So I share what I ended up with :

// Selected Folders
{i:dir} {sd} / {td}
// Selected files 
{i:file} {sf} / {tf} 
// Count hidden files
{h!} <#FF0000><b>{hi} caché(s)</b></#> {h!}
// Status of Everything mode 
{h!} <#008800><b>{hse}</b></#> {h!}
// Selected items of total
 {sba} / {tba} {rpad}
// Music
{h!}{i:.flac} {smp3} /{h!}{h!} {tmp3} {h!}
// Format lock control
{h!} {ls} {h!}
// Volume letter and name, free space label and a bar graph of used space
{h!}({dlet}) {dlab} ⠇{fsys} ⠇<#F3FB6C>  ▶ </#><#B2FF59><b> Free: {df}</#>  ◆ <#82B1FF> Total: {dt} </#> ◆ <#F57C00> %Used </#>  <b>{bg+w=100,f=2,g=0,c=#EF6C00,T=#E0E0E0}</b>{h!}