Incognito mode

I had already opened another topic including this (Couple of feature requests (incognito + tabs/tree restore-on-crash)), marked as solved because one ot the two topics raised was addressed there and the one about incognito mode at least partially.

Anyway, since I would still like to elaborate on incognito, and also to meet the rules, I'm opening a new topic just about that single request.

My original request was this:

Incognito mode: Useful in case you are browsing to a place you know you are not visiting often and you don't want the lister to keep the tree expanded to such location, neither new listers to open back to that single-use location.

This was the reply:

Collapsing the tree can be done in one click. Some of the history lists can be cleared via commands/buttons/hotkeys, and most can also be cleared by deleting the corresponding files out of the State Data folder, which probably takes care of those.

My issue is that having to do that manually would be inconvenient. Incognito listers that just won't leave any traces would be ideal.