Inconsistent behavior

I change preference to make DOpus shows hidden file.

If you have a folder marked +h +s

The file lister in detail mode shows it
But the folder tree doesn't

So if you navigate into it on the lister panel, there is not a corressponding selection on the folder tree.

On the lister panel, just click to
C:\Documents & Settings\UserName

Local Settings is on the lister
But it is not shown on the folder tree

Turn on Preferences / Listers / Folder Tree: Show hidden folders.

Thank you.
But IMO, they should share the same setting, so if the lister shows it, the folder tree shows it too.

Different folder formats can filter out different things. I think it would be strange to enter a new folder in the file display area, have it trigger a different folder format, and then have items in the folder tree appear/vanish based no the format.

The tree could use the settings from the Custom format, or get its own Tree format, but I'm not sure it's worth the change for what it would add in configurability, and then the tree settings would be split into two places.