Info tip {foldercontents} and others

Hovering over a folder doesn't always show the {foldercontents} within info tip. Same with {dircount}, {filecount}, {dircounttotal} and {filecounttotal}. But seems to happen more with {foldercontents}.

{filecount} = 1
{filecounttotal} = 0 (should be 1)
{foldercontents} = not showing (should show 'Files: test.txt' in above info tip)

my "Info Tip" tab under "All Folders" contains...

<b>{foldersize}</b>  {dircount}/{filecount}  <#808080>{dircounttotal}/{filecounttotal} ({pathlen})</#>

If you go to a folder with plenty of subfolders you should be able to easily reproduce this by hovering each folder down the line.

Edit: My initial post wasn't exactly clear, so hopefully you can see what I mean now. :grinning:


I created a simple test folder for this demonstration (although any folder with content will due), here is the layout...


I also opened the same columns in details mode that are being used in the infotips.


Then I repeat the below keys.

  1. Key: Enter (to navigate to selected folder)
  2. Key: Backspace (navigate up to parent folder)
  3. Key: Control (Hold down control key until intotip appears)
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until what I explained in my first post occurs


Going to a folder with several sub folders (around 20 or more) this is guaranteed to happen at least once or twice per every 20 folders.

I've tried ~50 times so far and still can't reproduce it, unfortunately. Have tried on both a very fast drive and a slower network drive.

Does it seem to come down to particular timing of the actions for you, or anything like that?

When it happens, are the disk or PC under heavy load, or does that not matter?

There is no CPU load, it's a SSD drive (not a network drive). I've also tested HDD, and networked HDD. The problem happens on all of them.

As I mentioned in previous post I can simply open a folder with many sub-folders and go down the line hovering each folder and this issue will happen at least a few times sometimes more sometimes less.

Here's another example (I should've shown this one to begin with!)


7 out of the 12 folders I hovered were lacking the other details in the infotip.

Hmm, I will try to reset to default DOpus configs and see if that helps, and remove any cache related files.


For the record resetting to default configs did not help.

Another approach to reproduce is to open the same columns as before and make few copies of the test folder and continuously hit F5, I have noticed only the first and second items will show zeroes under the 'total' columns.


Another thing to mention is since my initial post (a year ago) I have reformatted my PC and reinstalled windows and the problem was still there afterwards.

I can confirm that 12.1 does not have this problem but 12.2 and above does.

Edit: Sorry for the frequent posting but this fix in 12.2


Just a thought but seems like whatever was altered in the code to make that fix could very well be the same code that's causing the problem I'm having? It's the only thing I can see that was changed from 12.1 to 12.2 regarding infotips.

I wonder why you the devs cannot reproduce this, but I experience it constantly. Could it be because I'm using Win7 and you Win10? Once I install 12.1 the problem is gone so I don't think it's a problem on my end. 12.1 cannot be downloaded today, I have it archived from when it was available to download (9/5/2016?).

Will the devs try to reproduce this on Win7? I'd really like to see this fixed, thanks for trying!

Also if anyone else is experiencing this, let us know here, please!

DOpus devs...can you try harder?

I've just reproduced the issue on 3 seperate machines with ease, on fresh Windows 7 and 10 install with fresh DOpus config.

The easiest way to reproduce this is to do what I pointed out a couple posts ago. Open columns File count, Sub-folder count, Total File count and Total Sub-folder count, then keep refreshing view until you see the count change (near the top of list). I also noticed with the above columns opened when you close the Sub-folder count column the problem goes away.

After the update that added the display of many files/folder in infotip I noticed this occuring...

Will show the files but then quickly get removed as you can see.

Out of interest, what settings do you have in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse ? Can you show a screenshot of that registry key?


I do have a mouse that uses it's own software to adjust settings.

I noticed in the video you posted that when you move from one folder to the next the tooltip comes up basically immediately, whereas on my machine there is a small delay between when the first tooltip disappears and the next one opens. There's nothing "wrong" with that per se but it occurred to me that it might explain why neither Leo or I can reproduce the issue.

Tooltip timings are based around the double-click time so I thought maybe this might be related but while your double-click time is set faster than the default (340ms vs 500ms) changing this here doesn't make any obvious difference and I still can't reproduce what you're seeing.

As an experiment you could try increasing your double-click time to see if it makes any difference. Also what other settings does your mouse have? Maybe something your mouse drivers are doing could be affecting it?

Thanks for responding!

I tried a higher double click delay but no luck. I don't think the mouse is related because this can happen without using the mouse and infotips. With columns! Maybe when you tested this the infotip method was used? Please try the column method because it seems to occur more and you can see more at once.

Sorry for the persistence but I'm sure this is not an issue with my hardware or OS settings otherwise why would...

  1. Downgrading to DOpus 12.1 make the problem go away
  2. I experience the problem on multiple machines

Keeping in mind that one of the machines the OS was just installed with default everything in terms of OS settings, no third party software, mouse settings, etc.

Doesn't the 2 listed above point towards DOpus rather than a hardware malfunction or OS setting?

I would also like to point out when I tested this on the other machines it was with the column method only. I assume that the file and sub-folder counts for the infotips and columns call the same internal functions within DOpus. Because whenever the column is showing incorrect info so does the infotip.

For the problem to happen both 'File count' and 'Total File count' columns need to be displayed. If you remove either ONE of those two columns the remaining column will always show the correct count.

Something else I found out that could potentially allow you to reproduce this easier than before, is to adjust the name column width (may be because auto sizing columns is on). In the test gif below I entered the folder and just the first folder count is fluctuating when refreshing the folder. Once I adjust the name column width and refresh again the first folder no longer changes but others do below. This happens in the same fashion everytime I repeat the above after leaving and re-entering the folder.


You might want to test the above folder layout used in gif because the same group of folder counts flucuate everytime the column is resized. Meaning it's not random like the infotips and therefore hopefully able to reproduce easier. Not sure if uploading that folder tree here is legal. If you just download the nvidia drivers and run the install (just to allow the files to extract to C) and then cancel it right away.

If you still cannot reproduce this with the column test I have an idea we can try, if you're willing.

Another discovery, auto sizing of the name column definately plays a role in something. Imagine the gif above but at the end of the gif; the name column divider is double clicked to autosize the column. At that point the miscount will jump back up to the top folder!

From what I can tell so far, this is no longer occurring in the 12.17.2 beta release.

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