Upon working with a bunch of HEIC files, I just made the heartbreaking discovery that Info Tip > Insert Field > Script was removed from Opus 13, with the scripts and data nowhere to be found in my backups anymore.
What is the recommended way to go about adding and targeting custom fields to the Info Tips now, assuming that's still possible? None of the field options seem to show anything custom/script-related anymore, nor can I find it in the manual although I might be missing something given all the different spellings for info tip/info-tip/infotips.
Scripts can put their columns into the other categories now, which might explain why you don't have a Script category. If all the columns are somewhere else (or there are no script columns at all) then the category won't be added as it'd be empty.
Unfortunately they didn't transfer over from 12 to 13 for me. In my infinite wisdom, I had deleted all my Opus 12 backups thinking I had fully moved over, but the related custom scripts and info tip fields are nowhere to be found anymore.
Is any HEIC metadata support or perhaps a direct shell field syntax (e.g. {shellcolumn:shellColumnName}) on the planning by any chance? I just figured location metadata support is also missing, so I may have to go about the entire ordeal differently than before as for it (before it were just the columns and info tips).
Script and filetype data should have carried over, as long as you didn't uninstall 12 before installing 13 (which would reset the config).
Additional HEIC metadata: Maybe in the future but no immediate plans for it to be built in. It can be done via things like the ExifTools script on the forum, however.
Moved over without any uninstall (all toolbars and such still in place), but I did have some filetype data issues especially at the start (some filetypes not being recognized till deleting and re-adding them, some info tips being wonky and the like). Another old script is still there too, but I may have saved that differently (I don't remember if that was a thing in 12 and with how much I play around with Opus 13 it feels like ancient times now).
I don't like relying on third parties when not truly needed, and I knew I had seen something related pass by that would've been helpful. I couldn't find it, but I just stumbled upon it again. File Display Columns > Shell Properties coming to the rescue and saving a whole lot of time!
Maybe losing those scripts was just meant to be, to end up with a cleaner solution!
The Shell Properties is very thorough but incomplete by the looks of it. According to the description and manual it should be the entire list of properties provided by Windows and even other applications, but System.GPS (including .Longitude/Latitude/Altitude) is missing from it in its entirety, which is available by other means.
Everything else is set up exactly as it was, without any scripting whatsoever. Had System.GPS been there, it'd be perfect, so I hope this could be added.
The EXIFTOOLS utility and script on this Forum are excellent. An EXIFTOOL GUI is maintained, and I have found that the developer is responsive to user needs. Third-party tools are worth exploring.
Oh, I know it's great. Have used it (not the GUI) plenty, but having as much as possible within Opus itself is just cleaner, easier to set-up or share from scratch, and to maintain and keep track of, less likely to break (it's my own fault for not keeping an eye on it), etc. The settings and code are much more transparent now.
The Shell Properties System.GPS issue is mostly a bug report for it's said it's a complete list of "all the Explorer columns" but with those missing. I've tried using files with only location data to perhaps inject those columns but to no avail. I can get the information in Opus through other, much less clean ways just fine.
I had the GPS data but not the separate location details. The EXIFTOOLS GUI allows me to get and place those missing fields into the metadata. Those fields are available in DOPUS. The GUI's developer added this ability using free reverse GPS services. I could do this with photos and videos shot on my Samsung S23 Ultra.
My case is a little different. The files already contain all the GPS and location data, but Opus sometimes can't read it, like for HEIC files. The data is available in Exif, Windows, and through the Shell's System.GPS, but it's missing from File Display Columns > Shell Properties. According to the manual:
I don't know if that's an Opus issue or a WIndows one, but at the moment it at least is not showing all the Explorer columns available. I can reach it through scripts just fine though.
The shell's GPS properties are filtered out because they are all flagged as not viewable. (Or rather, they are missing PDTF_ISVIEWABLE, which Microsoft document as meaning: This property is meant to be viewed by the user. This influences whether the property shows up in the "Choose Columns" dialog box, for example.)
Not sure why they are like that, or why File Explorer still includes them, but that's how Windows defines them. (I can't find them in Explorer's column list, either... But that UI is atrocious so I may just not have looked in the right place in the long, flat, unsearchable list.)
If I modify the code to allow them through, it also looks like they would need some processing to display correctly.
You may be able to import them using a script column and the old method of importing shell properties/columns that Opus 12 used. Not sure if it would be able to handle the type of data they contain, though.