A checkbox to enable automatic shortcut-adding to tooltip/button/menu-entry-texts would be cool as well!.. o)
I already entered some of my key-kombinations into various tooltips to better recall them.
I think: You really do not want to do that by hand for many items - keeping them uptodate is uncomfy as well.
If you put FileType EDIT on the All Files context menu, that gives you a quick way to right-click a file and open up the filetype for it, to quickly have a look at the Events tab and refresh your memory.
If you're forgetting what the events are often enough that doing it that way is still too laborious, I'd question how much time the events are saving in the first place, and whether it would make more sense to put those comments on the context menu and access them by right-clicking the file. If you have to hover over a file, wait for the tooltip, read the tooltip to work out which key to hold down, then hold the key down and double-click the file... it'd be quicker to just right-click the file, find the option you want, and click it directly.
IMO, changing the events only makes sense for things you use often enough to remember them, and using context menus* makes sense for the rest. (*If it's some actions you use a lot for a short time, and then don't use again for a while, but then use a lot again the next time you need them, another good solution is to create a toolbar you can switch on when needed where those options are buttons in the toolbar.)
Some fair points Leo. It's not that I don't use some of them often enough, it's more a case of my memory being rubbish!!! I already have an "Open with..." menu so I'll stick with that. Thanks for the "FileType EDIT " tip as well, that will be useful.