Info tips popup time

Hello. is there a way to set info tips popup time on mouseover? It's happening too fast right now!

For the mouseover trigger, the length of time is tied to your Windows mouse double-click time. (That is used for several mouse-related things in Windows, not just double-click time. It's more like a general "reaction time" setting.) If that's set too fast, the tooltips will appear very quickly.

For the keyboard trigger, the timeout can be configured in Preferences / File Displays / Options / Info Tips.

Do you have absolutely no option to change this? The Mouse Over really makes me crazy, it is simply said always a heavy disturbing problem but needed. I need it verry often and activated to only show when i press a keyboard switch (shift), but then i need permanent to press the button wich is even more problematic. But without Key, the mousover comes everytime much to fast and most times more disturbs than helps. i permanent need to move the mouse away, wait until mousover goes away and can't make a mousover to the file below the mousover is actually.
It would really need a better solution ! A perfect solution would be if the mousover info would apear some x/y-coordinates more up/down/right/left (best would be to say "how far" from the mouse-pointer and maybe in wich direction and after how mutch time. This way a mousover would always be possible because the content not hides the files wich makes it impossible to point over files., but i don't know if that is possible. Please if you have a possibility to change something: do it.

You can change it by changing the mouse double-click time in Windows.

you can turn them off by default.

except when this setting has been tweaked (as in my case. initially, the pop-up time was very long in Windows :grinning: )

The ability to change the setting isn’t lost after changing it the first time. :slight_smile:

Thats no solution for me. The delay i would need makes every single click to a double click and windows simply unusable :frowning:

Surely you can find a time that isn't so fast that they trigger by mistake but is still short enough to avoid accidental double-clicks?

Or is the problem the other way around?

Tooltips in most other software should use the same time. Aren't those also a problem?

My mousclick delay is 1 step right (fast) of the middle in the windows options, i made this because i often had a double click when i wanted to do a single click. To make this slower is no option for me, because it distorbs me the full day having wong clicks.

The Problem aren't the usual Tooltips (most programs have no tooltips in the working area, they only have tooltips on buttons). My problem is the working area, the Filles itself. i get a relative large popup (because i need mutch aditional info of the files my popup has a bigger size than many others have). And the popups come mutch to fast for me. I need permanent to move off the pointer out of the Lister because don't see the Files anymore, the files i need to see are permanent behind the popup so i cant point over them to select or get a popup of them. i really would love to set a distance of the popup and a delay. Yes, i can work how it is, but its everyday disapointing :slight_smile:

If it helps, you can make a button or hotkey which toggles info-tips on and off, so they don't appear at all when you don't want them. The command is Set INFOTIPS=toggle

thanks for this hint.
I need to check it again. just wanted to make maybe a screenshot or video to show you an example but i right now noticed strange behavours (popups not work correct, 1 file gives no popup, but that is not primary an opus bug, the machine is in verry heavy use actually with heavy delays and i can't reeboot for some days :slight_smile: I will check it and come back with an example if needed. Thank you verry mutch