Input and drop down combo box

I want to use a Combobox in DOpus scripts. How do I do this?


There's an example here:

Can we have a simple new parameter? This will make it easier for people to write scripts.
DOpus.input(topic, [notes], [default value], [style], [cancel], [width], [height], [items], [icon])
or shorter:
DOpus.input(topic, [notes], [default value], [style], [items], [icon])

You can add the drop-down options very easily in the resource editor GUI. They don't need to be in the code at all.

(Just realised the Pulldown_Array thing in the example code I linked to doesn't do anything and that whole line could be deleted. It was left over from the original code earlier in that thread.)

I tried it a few months ago. i need this combobox:

Is it possible to trigger that drop-down list when the down key is pressed?

Name     : ComboX
Function : Edit and drop-down Combo box template
Created  : 2022-11-21
Modified : 2022-11-22
Version  : v0.2

function OnClick(clickData)

	var text = "item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6";                  //Text
    var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
    dlg.title = "Directory Opus";                                           // Title
    dlg.template = "dlgCombox";
	dlg.detach = true;
	dlg.Control("static").style = "b";
	dlg.Control("static").label = "Topic";                                  // Topic
	dlg.Control("static2").label = "Notes";                                 // Notes
	dlg.Control("static3").label = "D:\\Icons\\XYplorer Search Find.png";   // Icon
    var myArray = text.split(", ");                 //Seprator
	dlg.Control("combo").label = myArray[0];        // Defalut value
	dlg.Control("combo").SelectRange(0, -1);        // Select defalut value
    for(i = 0; myArray[i]; i++) {
		dlg.Control("combo").AddItem(myArray[i]);   //Add each item to drop-down list

// msg loop	
		msg = dlg.GetMsg();
        // Selection
		if(msg == true && dlg.Control("combo").focus == true) {
        // Result
		if(dlg.result == 1) {
		//If the button 1 is pressed
		if(dlg.result == 3) {
		DOpus.Output("Button 1 is pressed");
		//If the button 2 is pressed
		if(dlg.result == 4) {
		DOpus.Output("Button 2 is pressed");
	} while (msg == true);

	<resource name="dlgCombox" type="dialog">
		<dialog fontsize="8" height="100" lang="english" resize="yes" standard_buttons="ok,cancel" title="Directory Opus" width="320">
			<control edit="yes" height="40" name="combo" type="combo" width="305" x="8" y="60" />
			<control close="3" height="14" name="btn1" resize="xy" title="&amp;1" type="button" width="50" x="104" y="82" />
			<control close="4" height="14" name="btn2" resize="xy" title="&amp;2" type="button" width="50" x="158" y="82" />
			<control halign="left" height="16" name="static" title="Topic" type="static" valign="top" width="279" x="28" y="11" />
			<control halign="left" height="16" name="static2" title="Notes" type="static" valign="top" width="279" x="28" y="35" />
			<control halign="center" height="14" image="yes" name="static3" title="Icon" type="static" valign="top" width="14" x="8" y="8" />

F4 opens the focused drop-down in Windows (for standard controls, at least).

I like to press the down key directly. How to add internal icon to dialogs?

dlg.Control("static3").label = "copy";      // Icon

The down arrow / cursor key will go to the next option in the drop-down without opening it. (This is standard Windows drop-down behavior and not specific to Opus.)

See Load icon(internal sets) to control.label property in a script dialog - #2 by Leo

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