IOANNIS DOUBAS Good day email: yandgala@υαηοο.gr
Latest version of Directory Opus 12.33 won't install, tried many times. It starts but then shows the previous version. Is there something wrong with my computer?
IOANNIS DOUBAS Good day email: yandgala@υαηοο.gr
Latest version of Directory Opus 12.33 won't install, tried many times. It starts but then shows the previous version. Is there something wrong with my computer?
Where/when does it show the previous version? Do you mean at the top of the installer, or does the installer complete but then you're still using the same version of Opus afterwards?
Does the installer complete but then you're still using the same version of Opus afterwards !!
Please re-download the installer from our website, and make sure the download completed by verifying the signature:
If you haven't rebooted in a while, please reboot first.
Then run the installer, and reboot (again) after it completes. (Should not normally be needed, but ensures no pending changes are waiting.)
If you're still on the old version, I'd suspect a tool like antivirus, sandboxing or system backup/restore is blocking the files being changed or restoring old versions after they are changed.
If something is blocking the files being updated, you can sometimes fix that by uninstalling, rebooting, then installing again. Note that uninstalling will wipe your config, so create a config backup first via Settings > Backup & Restore in Opus.
I reinstalled the program and all went well. Thanks for the tip