I tried making DOPUS into a portable version by "exporting it to a flash drive". I do not intend to use this on a flash drive but rather on my regular computer just so I don't have to reinstall it every time I format my computer.
When I start the portable version it asks me to install my certificate again. When I try to do this I get an error message saying:
"An error ocurred installing your certificate:
Error 5 : Access is denied.
Note that you must have administrator privileges to install a program certificate."
I do have admin rights and I've tried SHIFT-opening it to "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR".
Is there anything else I have to do or does it just not work when I try to run it on a "normal" drive that it wasn't exported to?
I copied the DOPUS.exe and the folder DOPUS.
If you want to run Opus from a HDD, install it normally.
If you want to run Opus directly from a USB stick, you can use the USB Export option within Opus itself (which is an optional extra). But that won't speed up reinstalling Opus on to an HDD.
(How often do you reinstall your whole HDD that spending a few seconds running the installer is a big deal?)
[Update 2012, since the thread was resurrected: A third option is to do a "USB dongle" export where Opus is stored on an HDD (or any other device type) as a standalone "portable" install.]
After some fiddling around I tried moving the files back to where I exported them (F:), when I run it from there it works fine.
My conclusion is that it can only be run from the exact location it was exported to.
Is there any solution to this? I definitively want to run dopus from my regular C:\Program Files\ folder, but I absolutely want it portable.
I reinstall Windows at least once a month and I literally want to run all my programs portable to make everything easier as I setup custom copy-scripts with features that I like for quick running.
I have created an automated installer for Opus but it's one of the programs that I would like to cut out of my "forced installations".
I assume it's like this to protect against piracy or something like that. I guess it's an okay solution but as there are already pirated versions out there I don't exactly see a point to it, even if it makes it harder.
[quote="leo"]If you want to run Opus from a HDD, install it normally.
If you want to run Opus directly from a USB stick, you can use the USB Export option within Opus itself (which is an optional extra). But that won't speed up reinstalling Opus on to an HDD.
(How often do you reinstall your whole HDD that spending a few seconds running the installer is a big deal?)[/quote]
You can script the installer (including loading the registration/certificate) and also import your configuration (it's just files).
I'd say that's the best way to do things if you want to automate installation of Opus. The FAQs contain guides to doing both those things.
I'm perplexed why you'd reinstall Windows at least once a month, though (especially a full reinstall rather than restoring a backup image that already had the software you want installed).
Alright, thanks for the info Leo. I love the Opus forums, the answers are always fast and exact!
I already have created an automated script for all that actually. Installation, pressing the buttons etc. in the installation, loading the licence and configuration.
The reason I format so often is that I have every-thing-at-all like this. Scripted installers and scripted portable-copying. By doing this I can format and have all my 50+ programs with settings, plugins and custom scripts loaded and tweaked to my comfort - installed in minutes. Formatting and reinstalling Windows: 30min. All Windows settings reg-file-scripted and portable program installations: 15 minutes.
A 100% new and clean computer in 45 minutes.
The reason why I don't want to restore a backup or a ghost image of Windows is because as soon as you want to update a program for example, you have to create a new image from scratch, or update the programs on the existing image which essentially "breaks" the clean install by leaving traces of old programs on it. This is the reason why I prefer to have everything "from scratch" - but automated.
Another note on the ability to export Opus to an USB-drive. I don't see why the export-feature should only be able to select USB-drives. If it can install to an external HDD (which it did in my case), there's no point in making it work on any drive. Right now it's a little bit annoying as it can only be exported to the root of the drive. Even if I had a thumbstick I wanted to run it from I would want it structured in folders "my way". I would love to see the export to USB-feature tweaked so it can be exported to any folder anywhere. Whether it's still "only USB" or not, it would still be good to have the "Select Folder"-dialogue instead of the "Show USB-devices" dialogue.
[quote="MNeMiC"]I already have created an automated script for all that actually. Installation, pressing the buttons etc. in the installation, loading the licence and configuration.
I think it is enough to use 2 command lines- installing DO, and importing configuration. 'Pressing the buttons' or anything like this is not required.
[quote="MNeMiC"]Yeah, probably. Unfortunate for me but I understand the situation.
I hope more people will request a fully portable version in the future.
I guess there isn't some kind of config-hack that lets you select where it "expects" the exported Opus to be?[/quote]
You might want to submit a formal feature request. See link in Leo's signature.
If you have a possibility to set USB storage device class (or however it is really called- I mean introducing itself as an USB drive) for this volume, DO should detect it as USB drive and enable export.
[quote="MNeMiC"]The reason I format so often is that I have every-thing-at-all like this. Scripted installers and scripted portable-copying. By doing this I can format and have all my 50+ programs with settings, plugins and custom scripts loaded and tweaked to my comfort - installed in minutes. Formatting and reinstalling Windows: 30min. All Windows settings reg-file-scripted and portable program installations: 15 minutes.
A 100% new and clean computer in 45 minutes.[/quote]
TrueImage or similar: 10 mins. for restore, 15 mins. backup.
But: I understand you! I do the same with my Windows Phone, but with a regular hidden autoinstall. As Windows is more complex I use TI and I don't want to spend more time for scripting than using ! I usually use my backup ~1 year, restoring, updating, backup. I also save all settings to a special folder and use ONE DO-command to import them after fresh install. Some portable apps also don't work like they should. I don't understand, why MS don't tell programmers to use ONE method of saving settings?! There's Roaming, Local, App-folder, Registry and so on (to mention Adobe and MS Office ).