Installing on win 7

Is there a way to install DO on win 7 OS?
I keep getting a message saying "Incorrect OS Version".
Any way around this would be much appreciated so I can try it on win 7
Regards John

Try the Illuminati version - It is working really well for me

What's the Illuminati version? A beta version? How can I get it? (I'm currently running the trial license.)

To get the base version to install on my Win 7 box, all I did was set the compatibility to Vista SP2. (Right-click the setup exe, properties, compatibility, Vista SP2.)

See the "Illuminati" area of the forum for the beta versions.

BTW, the compatibility option can "stick" even when you install a newer version so you might want to check the dopus.exe, dopusrt.exe etc. properties after installing the Windows 7-compatible version.