IRRATIONAL SCROLLING BEHAVIOR? ‘Bug?’ OR ‘Feature’ OR ‘Just Me/My System’?

IRRATIONAL SCROLLING BEHAVIOR? ‘Bug?’ OR ‘Feature’ OR ‘Just Me/My System’?

From time to time, I have been encountering (and I am totally up-to-date on Directory Opus version 13 as of today – Saturday, June 15, 2024) some ‘scrolling behavior’ (involving the use of the scroll wheel on my mouse) WHEN ATTEMPTING TO SCROLL DOWN in the Folder Tree Portion/Window of a Directory Opus Lister.

It isn’t ‘fatal’ or serious or anything, but I do find it irritating AND SUSPECT that it probably shouldn’t work/behave/scroll (more precisely: stop scrolling when you think it should continue on) and so though I have been able to live with it and could continue to do so, I thought I would finally undertake to Report It to see if it ‘Should’ really work that way intentionally OR if it might be a ‘Bug’ OR POSSIBLY IT’S JUST SOMETHING UNIQUE TO MY SYSTEM AND POSSIBLY THE MOUSE I AM USING OR SOMETHING.

Description of the phenomenon. IMAGINE:

  • You have a Lister – for purposes here, let’s just assume it is a Standard ‘Explorer’ – Single Pane Lister open on your desktop.
  • In the Folder Tree window/section of the Lister, IMAGIN…
  • … That you have a Long Folder Tree visible – so large in fact that the Entire Folder Tree cannot be entirely displayed and that the Lister needs to provide Scroll Bars to facilitate scrolling up and down in the Folder Tree window. IMAGINE THAT (and perhaps and hopefully try to see if you can duplicate the behavior I have been encountering).
  • Now – after imagining and/or possibly trying to duplicate my situation, perhaps even deliberately CREATING SUCH A SITUATION BY ‘EXPLODING’ say some drive letters and/or folders with many subfolders on a drive to force the folder tree display to become too big to display without scrollbars, THEN…
  • IMAGINE you ‘have selected’ a folder/subfolder ‘above the very bottom of what that window – the folder tree window – is capable of displaying in its entirety’!
    • I.e. the particular folder/subfolder in question is – in my case – HIGHLIGHTED ‘in grey’.
  • NOW – here’s where the fun begins (at least on my system):
    • The selected folder highlighted in grey WILL NOT ‘SCROLL DOWN OUT OF VIEW AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FOLDER TREE WINDOW’
    • RATHER, that selected folder – when it reaches the bottom of the visible window – ‘sort of’ ‘BOUNCES OFF’ the bottom of the window AND YOU CANNOT SCROLL DOWN ANY DEEPER USING THE SCROLL WHEEL OF MY MOUSE.
    • Use the Folder Tree Scrollbar that the Lister provides, OR
    • SELECTING – SO THAT IT IS highlighted in ‘grey’ – indicating it is ‘Selected’, a folder ‘higher up’ in the folder tree and then one can proceed to use my mouse’s Scroll Wheel to Scroll Upwards/Scroll the Bottom Contents of the Folder Tree window, ‘DOWN and out of sight in that window’.

Anyway – I realize that’s kind of long but I wanted to try to be as precise as possible when trying to report this behavior I have been and continue to experience from time to time as I use Directory Opus version 13.

So my question/thoughts are:

Is/Should Directory Opus ‘work/behave’ this way? Is this type of ‘refusing to scroll down any further using at least in my case – a mouse’s scroll wheel – and having to resort to a workaround – one of the two – I indicated?

To me, this doesn’t seem to ‘Make Sense’?

Anyone Care to Attempt to Duplicate and if they can confirm that they are experiencing similar behavior, that would suggest to me that it’s ‘Not Related to my specific System/Hardware’.

If someone cannot duplicate this behavior, then obviously it’s probably my problem and maybe I need a different mouse or something.

BUT IF THEY CAN… Is this a Intentional Features/Behavior or might this be a ‘Bug’?

Thanks, in advance for any feedback.

Why are you SCREAMING?


I’m NOT ‘screaming’. That’s the way I tend to Express Myself – that’s my ‘Style’. The reason I do that/tend to express myself that way is because I find that far too often, people ‘come back with’ questions of the general nature: “What do you ‘MEAN’ buy something?” And – having worked in Finance and Information Technology in many different roles AND HAVE NEGOTIATED CONTRACTS and studied such relatively arcane subjects such as Logic and Boolean Algebra and so on, I AM WELL AWARE OF HOW SLOPPY AND CARELESS AND FRANKLY LAZY – FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE.

My overall objective is to first of all, try to ensure that I have been completely and utterly and TOTALLY – to the best of my ability, CLEAR AND COMPLETE AND TRYING TO EXPLAIN SOMETHING. An overall Sub Objective would be to say that if someone ‘comes to me’ with a question, a request for clarification say: I can REFER THEM TO a particular paragraph or sentence or bit of text and ask them to REREAD IT – CAREFULLY AND POSSIBLY EVEN OUT LOUD – TO THEMSELVES AND THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY HEAR COMING IN THEIR EARS and see if, upon reflection, it makes sense to them… I.e. gently suggesting – if they had read more thoughtfully and carefully, possibly even out loud, word by word, they would’ve understood and not have to ask the question in the first place.

Frankly, THERE IS FAR TOO MUCH LAZINESS AND STUPIDITY IN THE WORLD TODAY. Too many people ‘know ■■■■’ but they think they are So Smart… I know better.

The world is really, really complicated and so many problems we face in the world today are the result of miscommunications and misunderstandings…

So, bottom line and again herein: I’m not screaming.

That’s just my style.

And there’s an old saying: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!”

Your style is very hard to parse and find the relevant information within.

We have thousands of items to work through. Posting a more concise and less rambling description of the issue will mean we're more likely to look at it sooner.